3 Keys to Closing More Sales

Jeremie Warner
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2017

Let’s be honest here. I was debating on whether I should even write this article or not based on the topic of sales, with all the “experts” out there and all. However, as an entrepreneur who has built my entire career and company around sales, I felt a fresh perspective just might help someone out there better understand some basic, yet powerful things to become more efficient at closing more sales. There are endless pieces of content you can study or research regarding sales and “how to” be better, but what I continue to see and notice, even within my own company is that until you get the basics, you simply can’t understand the “experts.” These three basic tips will certainly help take you from just “selling” to just “closing.

Know WHAT is the right product.

One of the significant missteps any salesperson can make is trying to sell something they have and not see or understand that it could be the wrong customer or person. What I mean by this is first understanding the fundamental principle of knowing what the right product is that potential customer or prospect is really looking for. While something you have to offer might initially peak their interest or bring them in, knowing what they are genuinely looking for that will put you in a position to close. This is part of the discovery and will require you to be diligent in the questions you ask your prospect or customer on what they are looking for in the product or services you offer.

Know WHY the product is needed.

This is yet another critical piece of the discovery phase during the sales process. Once again, in my experience with training and developing new salespeople or working with existing sales staff with my client base, salespeople miss this step. By digging and asking the right questions, your prospect and/or customer will begin to open up to you. Because you now understand why your product is needed. There is a building of trust to set up an essential basis for selling better, and solving a problem. You will close more sales by solving more problems, and you will not be able to solve more problems without first knowing what your customer needs.

Know HOW to present the product.

Grant Cardone says this all the time. You’ve got to KNOW to get past the NO. During the sales process, most salespeople lack the know because they stop pushing through the no and don’t perfect the demonstration of their product. Let’s be clear. In order to best know how to present your product in the most efficient way to your customer or prospect, you must first have the What and the Why as outlined above. By doing so, you are setting yourself up for great success and will feel more confident and in control during this process. At the same time, because your presentation is tailor-made for particular customer or prospect, it will also create more comfort with them and further build the trust they will have in your product and services.



Jeremie Warner

Father, husband and Entrepreneur. CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Media. 21 years in Sales & Marketing. Resides in Charlotte NC with wife & 3 daughters.