5 Reasons Small Businesses Must Have a Digital Marketing Strategy

Jeremie Warner
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2018

It is no secret that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy or for most economies for that matter. With entrepreneurship at an all time high, and with the emergence of social media yielding even more small businesses and startups, it is imperative now more than ever that these small businesses ditch the standard business and marketing plans.

What they must start to replace these “old guard” ways of doing business with is the “new era” of digital marketing and online brand exposure. That is why I believe in 2017 and beyond small businesses must have a robust and well developed digital marketing strategy in place.

According to adweek.com , internet ad revenue topped $60 billion in 2015 which was a twenty percent increase from 2014. At the same time, mobile advertising revenue grew by more than 66% in that same year while desktop ad revenue only reported a 5% increase. What does this mean for small businesses?

With more people going mobile and using their mobile device to search, shop, and do business, it’s time small businesses started to get mobile and improve their digital presence to stay relevant to their consumer base and continue to have a brand presence in front of that coveted target market. The small business community is certainly a tight knit fraternity; however, make no mistake, it’s probably more competitive now than ever.

If you are a small business, solopreneur, entrepreneur, or aspiring to be one of these, then it is most certainly time that you evaluate your digital presence and marketing strategy. Do you know what your Google ranking is? Is your website up-to-date and mobile friendly? Are you building an email list and/or database to help keep your current business clientele informed and to capture those prospects who are interested in your business or searching for you online?

There are countless reasons that small businesses should be marketing themselves online and creating a more prominent digital name for themselves; however, these five reasons alone should not only be taken serious but should be implemented in your small business right away. Furthermore, your small business should begin to build out and implement your digital marketing strategy and make sure that it is something you keep current, take very seriously, and never let lapse moving forward.

1. It’s Google’s Or Facebook’s Game To Win

With over 1.6 billion active users, Facebook has become the world’s leading social media site. In 2014 and 2015 Facebook’s as revenue grew 59% with the majority of that increase coming from mobile devices. At the same time, Google is the world’s largest search engine and just about any business, brand, or influencer dukes it out over Google’s coveted first page ranking and even more competitive over those first three positions on the first page. What your small business should ask itself is what was your presence on Facebook and Google last year? Where do you currently rank in the eyes of your consumer base online?

2. Millennials and Gen Z Are Searching Online

Millennials are the most diverse and largest generation currently in the American economy. With over 80 million strong they have become the most researched generation ever. For small businesses it is imperative that you capture this demographic and it’s trillion dollar buying power. Studies foreshadow that by the year 2025, millennials will control 75% of the job market meaning they will have the money small businesses are looking to see spent at their businesses. Closely on the millennials heels are those younger Gen Zers. These two groups are using online, social media, and digital searches to research those businesses they shop with. Is your small business one of them?

3. Consumers Buying Decisions Are Influenced More By Social Media

I am not knocking traditional marketing or advertising platforms such as print media, television or radio; however, according to multi-millionaire business builder Neil Patel , ninety-three percent of shoppers buying decisions are created through social media and it’s influence. I don’t know about you but if the consumer base is using social media as their buying guide, then it should be a top priority of your small business to in front and part of that influence for those consumers.

4. Engagement Is The New Consumer Currency

Because information is so readily accessible and the consumer base is more informed now than ever, brands are being held more accountable for their engagement with their buying audience rather than their customer service. Having a digital marketing strategy in place allows your small business to be more readily prepared to engage your consumers much faster. What it also allows is for you to be able to track their movements across the different channels they are using to shop, research, and those very platforms they are engaging with. Being an engagement specialist will set you apart in the eyes of your consumers and will be much better brand trust with those consumers as well.

5. Adapt Or Die

It’s hard enough to start a small business and keep it viable. That is why the majority of small businesses fail after the first year. By adapting to the trends and understanding what the consumer base is wanting, your small business has a much better chance to survive. More importantly, if you are truly in business to make money, scale, and grow then digital marketing and having a digital presence is one of the most important things your small business can do for itself. To break it down in even simpler terms, your competition is going digital so you either do the same or you get left behind.

Jeremie Warner is the CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Rush Impact Media who works with Automotive Dealers and businesses. Rush Impact Marketing helps dealers create 30 days of business in 6 days through multi-channel marketing and sales. Rush Impact Media helps businesses grow their brand to gain attention, grow their business thru the power of video and content creation. He is also the Co-Host to Huff Post 5 Podcast that Stand in their Truth Define Your Brand Podcast. Jeremie has over 20 years in the Automotive Industry. He has helped generate over $100,000,000 for dealerships all over the United States. Has helped sell more than 50,000 cars. Rush Impact Marketing has been awarded A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau for 7 years straight. Rush Impact Marketing has also been awarded 2 Guinness World Records for 2 marketing events with Guinness World Records.



Jeremie Warner

Father, husband and Entrepreneur. CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Media. 21 years in Sales & Marketing. Resides in Charlotte NC with wife & 3 daughters.