Pros Train / Amateurs Complain

Jeremie Warner
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2018
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

In my twenty plus years of being in the sales and marketing industries, while also running my companies I’ve seen and heard just about everything there is to see and hear. I’ve watched some of the most talented individual’s phase-out while the underdogs thrive. The main difference is that those underdogs did something that took them from them from the minor leagues to the pros and that was to train on their craft. There is a famous quote that I am sure most all of you have heard before. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” Well, I believe that it is so much easier to work hard when you are confident in what it is that you are doing. The only way to know is to train.

“My head hurts,” “I don’t feel good,” “No one wants to buy,” “It’s the end of the month,” these are just a few of the excuses I hear and; quite frankly, are examples used by complainers or amateurs. You see amateurs, or untrained, will find whatever they can to complain about so that the focus is deflected away from their lack of knowing, executing, or even doing the job. They are always looking for sympathy, a more comfortable alternative or yet a handout at times. Now I know that there are extemporaneous circumstances when people are sick or don’t also want to buy for that matter; however, amateurs just stop there. Pros, because of their training will dig in and find out the real reason they can’t get the job done and then do whatever it takes to make sure they are ready if it happens to them again.

Think of the most successful people you know. What do you think got them there? Do you look at them as the expert? Do things seem to be easier for them to do than others? Why do you think that is? Better yet, ask yourself this. Have you ever heard them complain about something not going right or not getting their way? Probably not, what you heard was them trying to figure out why and how they can overcome it. In my company, my best people are ones that are always looking to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and train every day to get better. Whatever your profession is, you have to want to be the most knowledgeable and be the expert on your craft. Your talent is only going to take you so far.

I would suggest that you find a system that you can train with every day to help you gain more knowledge, books that can grow and expand your mind, and even colleagues in your field that are superior to you to extract that invaluable experience. Don’t be like the majority of people who are just getting by paycheck to paycheck and complain every day of why they aren’t in places in their lives that they want to be. Don’t be the “whoa is me” fraternity. Be a professional, want to be a pro and train your butt off to become a master of your craft, revered in your field, and someone your boss, your company, your family, and even YOU can bank on.

Jeremie Warner is the CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Rush Impact Media who works with Automotive Dealers and businesses. Rush Impact Marketing helps dealers create 30 days of business in 6 days through multi-channel marketing and sales. Rush Impact Media helps businesses grow their brand to gain attention, grow their business thru the power of video and content creation. He is also the Co-Host to Huff Post 5 Podcast that Stand in their Truth Define Your Brand Podcast. Jeremie has over 20 years in the Automotive Industry. He has helped generate over $100,000,000 for dealerships all over the United States. Has helped sell more than 50,000 cars. Rush Impact Marketing has been awarded A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau for 7 years straight. Rush Impact Marketing has also been awarded 2 Guinness World Records for 2 marketing events with Guinness World Records.



Jeremie Warner

Father, husband and Entrepreneur. CEO of Rush Impact Marketing & Media. 21 years in Sales & Marketing. Resides in Charlotte NC with wife & 3 daughters.