pieLABS monthly summary December 2021

Maksim Malikov
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2022

In December, there were several major updates to the testnet and we are getting closer and closer to the mainnet. But first things first.

1. Fee tokens

This is a very important update that allows users to work correctly with fee tokens (tokens that take a fee for a transfer).
Now the amount of the commission is displayed on the pool page and before borrowing, users will know exactly the amount of commission that the token will take for the transfer.
Also, this update will allow liquidators to receive an additional bonus so that liquidation remains profitable.
This update has already been implemented on testnets Rinkeby, BSC testnet, Polygon Mumbai and you can test it on the website: https://app2.defipie.com/

2. Borrow delay

Now, after creating a new pool, it will be possible to borrow from it only 24 hours after creation. This delay will allow the Guardian to verify the security of the token.

3. Christmas giveaway

We held a Christmas giveaway among the community and distributed 16 nft art to those who followed the simple conditions on twitter.

Christmas collection: https://opensea.io/collection/pielabs-christmas

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