AMA Recap: Hectagon Finance

DeFi Raccoons
Published in
21 min readAug 19, 2022

Date: Aug 19th, 2022
Host: DeFiNaut
Guest: Catie, CMO at Hectagon and K2, CPO at Hectagon

Hello, Raccoon family and crypto enthusiasts!

We recently hosted an AMA with Hectagon Finance. Here’s the AMA transcript for those who missed the live session. We sincerely hope you have as much fun reading it as we did while running the AMA!

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Hope you are all ready #raccoonfam! Today we’re having another educational AMA with K2, CPO at Hectagon Finance!

As you know there will be 2 parts, the muted part where me, Catie and K2 will be talking about Hectagon Finance in general and then also the latest news and updates! Then we’ll unmute an have the community ask questions and some winners will be chosen. We’ll also choose some twitter questions while we’re at it. A total prizepool of $100 (2 live chat and 2 twitter qs will be winning $25 each).

Thank you so much for joining us today @k2rmk and @catiehangle

So without further ado, can you please briefly tell us what your rol is about at Hectagon Finance?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: My name is Hieu, I am a software engineer / entrepreneur found mutiple startups before, notably — top 1 in Vietnam in short-course online with several millions paid users.

My role is Product development at Hectagon, basically it means user & feature research; draft smartcontract, UX development then work with the tech team to deliver the final product.

I also run a Discord channel on Hectagon Discord server to show our work (the backlog of Product team is fully public) and a twitter account on DeFi, DAO and blockchain in general and give talk sometime to explain Hectagon to others.

[Catie | Hectagon]: Hi everyone, in Hectagon people call me Nile, outside just call me Catie and Im in charge of Marketing (aka. CMO) but I would like to call myself a Hectagon advocate. I was part of the startup community for the past 7 years, involve in community building, marketing and VC investing.

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Awesome, thank you for sharing @k2rmk that’s quite an impressive background you have there! OK we all know every solid project needs solid marketing, you can have the best tech, but if the word doesn’t get out, you won’t get much adoption 😉 😄

[Catie | Hectagon]: Being in the space, exposing to Blockchain and crypto is inevitable. Back in 2017, my coworking space sponsored Kyber Network’s office so I was hanging out with the crew back then. I read Axie Infinity pitchdeck since 2019. That’s how I met K2 and the rest of the team

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Cool I participated in Kyber Network’s crowdfunding back in 2017 indeed, with Loi Luu. Happy that Hectagon has team members with extensive experience in the space!

[Catie | Hectagon]: How cool! Loi Luu is a close friend of the team and our investors too.

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Catie is what we call an OG 😄, crypto OG. Beautiful, that already speaks volumes of the quality of Hectagon Finance raccoons! Could you please explain what’s the vision and mission of Hectagon? What problems are you aiming to solve in the space, and what are you looking to bring to the space that’s unique?

[Catie | Hectagon]: I wouldn’t call myself that but we do have good network and resource in the crypto spcae to support our vision 🙂

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: sure, let me explain the proble we saw in web3 and what inspires us to build Hectagon. It is well known that web3 is in possession of big investors; they take all the token from seed and private round with cheap price so the opportunity for retail investors is slime, they also hold big bag of token from top tier project that they probadly would dump if things go south like the case of 3AC

We build Hectagon to decentralize the fund to web3 and give web3 ownership back to community which we think would be beneficial to both web3 projects and communitu.

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Network and resources are very important, I think crypto is still a small space and relations are so crucial!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: I kind of like to think this is an answer to Jack Dorsey’s “you don’t own web3” rap

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Yeah definitely a problem that came quite apparent in the last bullrun vs the bullrun of 2017. In 2017 “normal” people could still join an ICO with a reasonable allocation, in the last bullrun of 2020–2021 however it was all private/seed and whatever was left for the public was done via lotteries on launchpads which weren’t fair either in my opinion.

So I definitely see the value that Hectagon Finance can bring through democratizing the fundraising and bring it back to the people. So what can you tell us about the idea for Hectagon Finance itself? Tell us about its origins and what inspired you to build?

[Catie | Hectagon]: Im totally with you on this.

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: so the idea came from the CEO and founder — Linh Han. He was the CEO and founder of VSV capital ( — a 9 years old Venture Capital and he also found Hub Global — a web3 VC since late 2020. He saw that most of the VC in web3 is actually Hedge fund — they buy low and sell high and do not do the Venture Capital job which is bootstrapping and accelerating projects

Besides, the traditional Venture Capital model coming to web3 lacks of power to support projects since the number of investors are limited and the operation team is usually very small so your fund can be competitve on the market

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: yeah… most VCs just get in but not much value is offered, been hearing this a lot!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: for example, a 100mil+ fund might have less than 20 people; should no inflate the cost. Howeever, there is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child; samething happens to startup — need a lot of support from multiple parties to build a successful one

So the idea is that Hetagon will build a Treasury by selling bond to the public with HECTA token. The Treasury then will be used to (1) buy project token at seed | private round and (2) fund value-added activity to Hectagon portfolio

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Agree, it’s not just offering money and that’s it. It’s bringing advice on all sorts of levels and fields, connecting with other parties and investors, and so much more

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Our assumption is that Hectagon village with HECTA holders who has skin in the game and come from around the world with diversified talents would provide good support to project and make them success

As of today, we have HECTA holders who are developers, marketer, designers, etc. coming from Indonesia, Vietnam, US, UK, Netherlands, Nigeria, Phillipines and many more other places

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: All sorts of talents pooled together!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: yes, the village is built and we are eager to start building wonderful web3 projects

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Great, I’ll ask more detailed questions about that a bit later actually but first I wanted to ask about your team besides yourself and Catie.

How many members do you have in your team? and tell us about their background.

[Catie | Hectagon]: The founding team includes 7 team members and we have 35+ team members in total now

CEO is Linh Han, that K2 shared earlier. CPO is K2 and I am the CMO.

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: btw raccoons here’s the tokenpage, it’s performing well on this negative market day!

Ok thanks for sharing, you seem to grow very rapidly

[Catie | Hectagon]: The rest of the founding team we have:

  • Dzung Nguyen: CFO with 8 years of experience in Finance, Business and Operations Management. He founded a few startups before and currently an advisor for a few blockchain projects
  • Phuong Lai: CTO with 15 years of experience in managing and lead Tech team. He’s a Former Head of Engineering of TomoChain (if you know about them) and been CTO of many startups
  • Duong Do: COO with 7 years of experience in Compliance Banking and Operations Management and she was a Former Head of Compliance at an exchange platform
  • Felicia Tra Hoang: CGO with 7 years of experience in Business Development, General Management and VC Investment. She’s also Managing Partner at VSV Capital and very well-connected in the startup field

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: You guys seem to attract OG talent, I know about TomoChain aswell yes

[Catie | Hectagon]: If you want to go fast, go alone but go far, we go together 🙂

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: many web3 talent has a background in web2; with the background of web2 VC Linh Han has a large pool of contact

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: well said 😄

[Catie | Hectagon]: The vision of Hectagon actually attract us together and build a long-term project. Actually our CEO Linh Han was named Forbes 30 under 30 Asia in year 2020 and it did help us with talen recruitment alot 😉

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: I see, now I understand ^^

[Catie | Hectagon]: So to build Hectagon, we’ll need talent and we welcome anyone who wants to be part of us! We are still recruiting 😉

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: I was talking about one of my friends about this yesterday actually, many firms or projects in crypto don’t seem to find any talent that has experience in crypto and they end up hiring web2 people with sometimes zero blockchain experience, hence why I am astonished by the sheer talented people you’ve gotten onboard. Good stuff!

[Catie | Hectagon]: THank you, it’s the start and we still have a long way to go 💪

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: So let’s talk a bit about the partnerships. Are there any notable ones or investors that you can disclose? What type of value will they be adding to the project?

[Catie | Hectagon]: Building Hectagon based on the concept of VCs, which I believe a popular topic in Web3, so talent will need to be hybrid.

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Notatble investor is MistleToe of which LP is Mr Taizo Son, a Japanese Billionaire.

[Catie | Hectagon]: Yes sure. Display on the website is only fraction of our partnerships network. We have over 50+ partners at the moment

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: MistleToe has an extensive network of startup and builders for Hectagon to tap in (many web3 project from around the world too)

Besides, Hectagon has full support of VSV with its 9 years of experience in running VC.
Some of our first community AMA is ran by VSV team actually

[Catie | Hectagon]: Adding to this, Taizo Son is the youngest brother of Masayoshi Son (CEO of Softbank)

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: ok cool, where can we follow up on these community AMAs? are they hosted in discord or twitter spaces or?

[Catie | Hectagon]: With our token recently launched (Aug 8), we plan to have weekly Community Call aka. AMA with our community, over Twitter and Discord. We done 2 Community Calls so far. It’s Wednesday everyweek

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: ok thank you for sharing. So let’s circle back a bit to the investments

Projects can apply to for a fundraise upon which the investment team will start the process of screening, due diligence and interview. Can you please tell us more about who this investment team is (everybody from the DAO? i.e. wisdom of the crowd?), can you also tell us more about the due diligence?

[Catie | Hectagon]: Sure, let me share first and @k2rmk please add more in. Any projects who want to raise fund can apply through our Investment Portal. If a project passes the Investment Team review, a proposal of investment for the project will be prepared by the team to submit to the Investment Council (IC). The Investment Council will have the power to review the decision of the Investment team to Veto if necessary, if not the proposal will pass.

If the Investment Council let the deal pass, it will go through a final check which is Hectagon community vote. The goal of this vote is for the community to act as the final check and balance for Hectagon Protocol and review the decision of the Investment team. If the community vote to Veto the investment will be canceled, if not, the investment proposal will be passed and the deal process will begin.

At the moment, the Investment Team ran by Hectagon team to choose project, review and produce all documents then present to the community.

We shared the first shortlisted project with our community last week

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: ok I like that structure, so there’s 3 different parties voting. What’s the difference between the Investment Team and the Invesment Council? Isn’t that just both consisting of core team members?

[Catie | Hectagon]: As Hectagon only launched our token recently, it’s the structure for now. But later one, we would like (1) the Investment Council with 7 members delegated from the community to either approve or Veto the investment (2) there will be an on-chain vote for the community to approve or Veto the investment.

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: the Investment team is small and highly experience individual to make sure we can act fast. The Investment Council is people from the DAO with Veto power to make sure we are not reckless.

And finally, the community will have a final voice if they like the project or not; e.g: a profitable project that damage the earth might the distaste of the community. We have to balance between the speed of investment so the project would have fund on time and the power of the mass / decentralization

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: ok cool, so a bit like DPOS (delegated proof of stake) — that makes sense — so if you’re not that experienced you can have someone else vote in your stead

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: for now Investment team is led by Linh Han himself

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: makes sense!

[Catie | Hectagon]: We need him where his experience is really shine 🙂

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: in the future we would like to invite community member to join.
In order to join, they have to doxxed themselves and run a campaign for everyone to check. We learn lessons from Timewonderland where hundereds of millions in the hand of anons, might be good or bad; but can not earn trust of the community

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: So the voting will probably be done via the token right?

Yours is called $HECTA, can you tell us more about it? What’s its purpose and what utilities does it offer holders? I’ve also read about $gHECTA, how does it relate to $HECTA?

[Catie | Hectagon]: Like investing with a pro, you have experienced investors vetted projects for you. Invest wisely with less effort — that’s how we call it 😄

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Yup, let me walk you through the process

[Catie | Hectagon]: Most importantly, you need governance token to vote. I’ll let @k2rmk explain in more details

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]:

  1. Hectagon let retail investors mint new $HECTA through buying bond (aka buy HECTA with discount to AMM price) hence building a Treasiry consists of BUSD, HECTA-BUSD LP Token and $HECTA
  2. The Treasury will be used to
    (1) buy web3 project tokens at private | seed price
    (2) support the value added activity for Hectagon’s portfolio (e.g: coding, designing, hiring, etc.) mostly through Hectagon village — $HECTA holders
  3. $HECTA owners can lock their tokens for $gHECTA (and earn staking rewards too), then they can use gHECTA to join governing and investment process; or they can burn gHECTA to claim part of the project tokens that Hectagon invested. think of HECTA as assets and gHECTA as share

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: ok so actually the gHECTA are used to vote then. Basically you ensure that you have committed people that can vote and not traders or people that would quickly buy some hecta, vote, and then dump again, am I correct?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: yes, we favor people buy, hold, vote and contribute value to projects

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: good, I had this question in my mind for some time so I’m happy you’ve already explained it before I could ask it ^^

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Hectagon respect the right to exit, that’s why we issue tokens; not NFT to raise fund

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: I saw you’ve recently added a proposel to the DAO for FoodChain ( — a layer-1 blockchain solution that tracks products from farmer to end-consumer.). How long do investors typically have to vote and is there a minimum of capital they have to commit once the DAO agrees to invest? What happens if not enough funds are raised or for example a small amount? Are there any other projects currently on the shortlist?

[Catie | Hectagon]: Exactly, you need gHecta which can only acquire through staking HECTA. So we want investors who commit with us

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Hectaon will use the Treasury to invest so HECTA holders do not have to put additional money. However, we let members with exceptional contributions to the protocol and co-invest in projects that’s something not happen right now. The investment team had revied 100+ projects (160? @catiehangle ?)

[Catie | Hectagon]: 160+ actually. Latest news I heard, we shortlisted at least 2 projects and Open Food Chain is the first one

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: ther are 2 that team really like and the next one will be annouced next week

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: insane!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: I want to add another note on Hectagon model. Venture Capital originally the business model for the privilege, the one with millions of usd that can set aside for few years (in the case of VSV, the first fund is 8 year). Hectagon wants to bring this model to the public so everyone can enjoy its benefit. However, the nature of the business is unchanged even we use the token model to soften the barrier for the public. Therefore, we ask retail investors to let money there to work, then Hectagon prefer longtime hoders rather than quick buy and sell. Recently we issued 6 months bond for the core demographics of our users

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: yes that makes sense, investing is a long term game although in today’s nature everyone wants to get rich quick ^^. So since we already went over the investment process I’d like to move to the last question of this muted first part. What is happening in the near term? Could you please share with us the first milestones on the roadmap? I’m sure the community is waiting to send you their questions! We mustn’t keep them much longer 😄

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: The short term objective is Bootstrap community involvement through educational content, blog posts and transparency of processes; and the longterm objective is 1) Empower community to join and form self-sufficient unit under Hectagon DAO and (2) and finally transit governing power to the community, further more our work is public so you can find the product strategy in here it is a live document

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Cool, I like notion, we use it too

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: the backlog of the product team is here

[Catie | Hectagon]: And join @k2rmk Product channel on Discord as well 😉

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: everyone can see how we progress bit by bit

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: NOW it’s time to move to the community questions

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: thank you so much for interesting questions

Community Questions

Q1: One of the features Hectagon has is the “contribution reward system”. Can you explain in more detail about this feature? What % of $HECTA tokens are reserved for the contribution reward? Can DAO members propose multiple campaigns for this contribution reward system?

[Catie | Hectagon]: This is the question I picked. Thanks Steffi for asking. In our tokenomics, we reserved 65% for our Rewards Pool. Please check out our forum and yes, DAO members can proposer rewards campaigns for this

To elaborate more, the HECTA token is the ‘proof of value contribution’. When you buy $HECTA, you contribute capital to the protocol. When you stake $HECTA, you contribute to make the treasury stable. But the majority of our rewards pool are when you contribute actual work to the protocol and the project Hectagon invested in through work-to-earn mechanism.

Q2: You have the Hectagon Tiger Tribe, which is 999 unique Redeemable NFT. On the Hectagon docs page it says, In the coming months, Hectagon would like to offer $HECTA holders options to mint NFTs represent a basket of future assets within Hectagon Treasury to either sell in the marketplace or hold to earn its value later. Can you explain, what does this “Basket of Assets” concept look like?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: I pick this one, let me explain. The Hectagon Tiger Tribe is our experiment on how we can use NFT as an medium to claim part of Treasury later. You can burn an Tiger Tribe to get some HECTA in it. In the future, when gHECTA owner want to claim part of the project tokens that Hectagon invested, they can burn gHECTA to get an NFT. You can interact with this NFT to extract project tokens from the Treasury ONCE THEY ARE UNLOCKED and the NFT will be totally burnt when you extracted everything within it. The experiment is successful and the concept works, we will implement it into Hectagon later on.

Q3: In the world of Web2 and Web3, the average user is usually the last in the buyer chain, used as “liquidity exit” for previous round investors. With Hectagon, does holding HECTA give users a way to indirectly hold seed stage tokens?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Yes, Hectagon let retail investor indirectly hold seed stage tokens

[Catie | Hectagon]: This question is very interesting and @k2rmk k please back me up on this. We specifically choose to invest in seed round because we want to make VC investing more accessible to the mass. Yes, you can directly hold seed token — this is the part we haven’t introduced yet

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: and actually web3 project love this since they are not only have money from the investment but they will be supported by the Hectagon village since they are all have skin in the game now. Let me choose one on pHECTA, tHECTA. wait a sec

[Catie | Hectagon]: Once we start making investment, we’ll release more product on the roadmap when HECTA holders can indirectly hold seed stage token

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: In normal project the team and private investors got vesting schedule which I think is unfair and represent a potential conflict of interest. The vesting schedule allow team and private investors receive token regardless of the market situation and the growth of project. At one day, team can get 1 million token in a bear market, which dumping those tokens will be harmful for community. Hectagon design tHECTA and pHECTA that at any time there is <= 15% of HECTA in circulating that is minted by burning tHECTA or pHECTA

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: yep witnessed this a dozen times!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: let say, there is 150,000 HECTA in circulating, there is maximum 15,000 HECTA that team and investor can exercise. In reality, it would be less than 7,000 since we did not sell all pHECTA. This mechanism will align the interest of the team, private investors and the community since the only way for team to have more HECTA is that the project have to grow. But don’t take my word for granted, check our smart contract code

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: I got complain from some pHECTA holder that with the current rate it would take them 90 years to exercise all their pHECTA. Bbut I say, let it be

[Catie | Hectagon]: In a simple term, as Devs team, we can only exercise our team token if Hectagon grows. We mean it when we said we build Hectagon to last 🙂

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: they have to contribute to project, let it grow then they can get more HECTA

Twitter Questions

Question 1: Currently, many Venture Capital Fund Platforms that offer Raising funds, but most of them have a fairly complicated process for starting projects. How will Hectagon simplify the process of submitting & publishing project information on the Hectagon investment portal simple?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: The reason why proces is complicated because the operation team of a VC is small so most of the work is done by project. However, in Hectagon we expect to have the community jump in and help the investment team through reward system

This will ease the work of project while looking for fund thus letting them focus on their piece of art

Question 2: What is the difference between buying my HECTA tokens on Pancakeswap and buying them directly on your website? Is there any kind of discount? I also read that there are some differences in the betting periods. Can you explain this please? Which one is more convenient for me?

[Catie | Hectagon]: The HECTA token is the ‘proof of value contribution’. Once you buy HECTA on our website, it will go directly into the treasury for investment fund. That’s why they got rewarded through the discount on our website. The discount is not because it’s cheaper, it’s the way we reward the investors. Buying HECTA on our website requires certain vesting period (rules set by our policy team) — during the vesting vault, your HECTA is automatically staked so you’ll get more HECTA once the vesting period is finish => another way to reward the true investors. While buying HECTA in AMM like Pancakswap it’s mainly trading and won’t contribute directly to our protocol. But you can use those tokens to stake on our website. That’s the main difference

Question 3: You mentioned that Hectagon has an Easy-to-Use System. Can you explain How to use the Hectagon App, How to contribute to Hectagon’s treasury? and how will you provide an easy-to-use user experience?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: This one directly relate to my work. I see a problem in crypto that people put really complicated UX and expect everyone can use it. Sometimes, they say they are transperant and ask me to read blockchain explorer to check on them. I think it is not fair, not everyone has sustainsale skill to read onchain transaction to validate if a Treasury is spent correctly or not. So in Hectagon, we want to build a system that is really easy to use so everyone can understand what we are doing transparently. This is no easy task however next week we are proposing an UX to let everyone audit and observe how Hectagon Treasury is spent, please tune in

Question 4: Current APY for staking on Hectagon dapp is 17,644,343.56 % It seems to be pretty big compared to staking on other dapps. What is APY based on, and dont you think it will affect price of HECTA in a bad way?

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: the high APY do not last forever. Hectagon has a schedule on APY so it prefer the early birds.
In the long run, I think APY should be few percentage and might go to 0 by the end of year — we have an annual plan for token sale and investment plan

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: I’m sure your fingers are hurting by now @k2rmk and @catiehangle though I love the energy you both bring to the table 😄

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: yes, really hurt 😄

[Catie | Hectagon]: I tried my best. But truly love all the questions

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: but the energy the community is bringing is awesome

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: I see that you are both really in love with the work you’re doing and the vision you bring with Hectagon, amazing to see!

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: thank you all for great questions

[Catie | Hectagon]: We happy to do this again if you are interested. I’ll ask our CEO to join as investment is his expertise haha

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Definitely! Would love the community to be updated with more juicy news once some gets out 😉

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: I am a bit bias here for question 3, right move on me 😄

[Catie | Hectagon]: Feel free to join us over telegram and Discord @HectagonFinance. We’ll keep everyone posted on the first investment

[DeFiNaut 🦝 | founder @DeFiRaccoons]: Thank you so much for joining us today Catie and K2! It was a really insightful experience for me

[k2 | Hectagon Never DM you first]: Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity

[Catie | Hectagon]: We are open to chat anytime, we love a community who truly care about product development and longterm vision

About Crypto Raccoons

A community for everything related to DeFi, NFT, IDO, Blockchain, and much more. We share our analysis, fundamentals and hold AMAs with all sorts of projects!

That’s all we have time for today, until next time, consider joining our socials underneath to join our DeFi Discussion!

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Now for a disclaimer — I’m not a financial advisor, anything you read on my Medium isn’t financial advice, it’s a log of myself doing due diligence on and talking to projects, please verify any and all information presented (error reporting welcome) and make your own decisions.

