MeowSwap is joining the deFIRE Ecosystem!

Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2021

We are thrilled to announce that from today onward — MeowSwap, the new cutting-edge Cardano DEX, is a part of the deFIRE Ecosystem. This partnership is extremely valuable to us as we have set it as our main goal to partner with all the key players in the field of Cardano DEX’s.

By partnering with MeowSwap, and other key players — our users will be able to seamlessly tap into an enormous liquidity source and always get the best exchange rates for their trades!

This is truly exciting for our team and we are sure it is exciting for all Cardanians. The time of DeFi in full power on Cardano — is right around the corner.

These types of partnerships will prove to be invaluable to us, our users, as well as to our partners, which is why our supporters can expect more of these in the near future!

If our supporters and interested individuals wonder who is behind MeowSwap let us introduce them!

The MeowSwap team

The majority of MeowSwap’s team are MetaHash expats that realized the potential behind Cardano, its community, and its eUTXO model. That is why four months ago the team started building the Layer2 solution that is now ready to use!

The leader & founder of the MeowSwap team is Gleb Nikitin who has over 20 years of experience in building software, as well as more than 5 years of experience in leading the development of cutting-edge crypto technologies.

Gleb’s inspiration for MeowSwap’s high-throughput engine comes from his experience in building Real Time Bidding(RTB) systems as well as from building MetaHash that has over 50k transaction throughput capability and 3 seconds finality!

Gleb’s team consists of 9 team members and 3 advisors, whilst all of them are crypto veterans! Some of the team members’ names that might be familiar to crypto aficionados are the MeowSwap team’s Lead Developer Kirill Zatsepin, Issam Samara, and Eduard Gurinovich as the team’s advisor.

Future Cooperation

With all that being said, our supporters can be assured that MeowSwap will definitely be a key DEX player, and partner, in the coming Cardano DeFi revolution, and perhaps even the key DEX player.

Hence this partnership is without a doubt — a step in the right direction for our project, and our supporters can expect many more coming in the near future!

