Always on The Safe Side with DeFiStarter

Zero-Risk Crowdfunding & Liquidity Mining

4 min readNov 12, 2020


Do you remember the times of the ICO boom, when “weak” ideas raised millions of dollars of investments? The ICO fever in 2017 demonstrated a very high-risk environment for individuals wanting to participate in token releases of new blockchain projects. As a result, over 80% of all ICO ceased to exist after selling their tokens, leaving the void in investors’ wallets.

Yield farming and liquidity mining have become popular among DeFi startups recently, but, just as it was with ICOs, direct risks associated with token value of the startup are on the investors’ side. Participants of such liquidity mining risk being left without the initial investment and with useless tokens in their pockets.


DeFiStarter offers a way to reduce investors’ risks to zero, and to allow startups to raise financing without directly selling their tokens. For these purposes, the Safe Pool Offering Algorithm (hereinafter SPO) comes into action and ensures zero risk liquidity mining. All participants of the SPO will be able to get tokens of the startup without purchasing them directly, all that is necessary is to provide reliable and proven tokens to the liquidity pool. Now let’s take a look at the algorithm by the example of the Balancer pool.

Step 1: DeFiStarter deploys a smart contract where a startup places its tokens, which will be distributed as a reward among those who provide liquidity to the Balancer pool.

Step 2: A user who is ready to participate in an SPO places liquidity (50% DAI and 50% USDC as an example) in the specific Balancer pool.

Step 3: Balancer mints BPT tokens of the pool to the user.

Step 4: User places BPT tokens on a DeFiStarter smart contract.

Step 5: Balancer calculates the reward in BAL tokens.

Step 6: BAL tokens are passed to the startup.

Step 7: Startup tokens are transferred to the user.

Step 8: User takes BPT tokens and can take back their liquidity + Swap Fee of the Balancer pool.

DeFiStarter is a crowdfunding DeFi platform based on the revolutionary SPO algorithm. Startups get liquidity to launch, and users do not risk their money. The platform has been successfully audited.

DFST Tokenomics

DFST token is DeFiStarter’s native ERC-20 token. DFST token allows holders to be involved in protocol governance. DFST token holders will be able to make offers and vote to modify the terms and conditions of future SPO campaigns (e.g. DeFiStarter’s fee amount).

DFST holders will also be able to vote for tokens of promising startups to be added to the whitelist. Participants of whitelisted SPO will be able to additionally receive mining rewards in DFST tokens from the treasury. This will create additional motivation for building the community and will attract truly interesting startups.

All DFST holders will also receive 3% of startups’ tokens from all SPOs that have been hosted on the platform and 1% of all awards from the pools collected by startups.

DFST Token Allocation

Token Contract Address: 0x46bfa3bb807b5c3b3ce7f7e0e667397020b6dc15

Total Supply: 10,000,000 DFST

SPO Rewards Pool: 7,000,000 DFST. These tokens will be allocated among participants of the upcoming SPO campaigns.

Treasury: 1,500,000 DFST. This pool is designed to fund marketing purposes and further development of the platform. Tokens from this pool will also be used for building and encouraging the community that will be involved in the platform growth. We consider rewards for contests, bugs discovering, suggestions for protocol improvements, participation in our hackathons, etc.

Team: 1,500,000 DFST.

Smart contracts and audits

Please review the smart contracts before you start working with DeFiStarter. We’re doing everything to make sure that the platform is reliable and secure, that’s why we’ve designed the contracts in compliance with all requirements.

  • You can find DeFiStarter’s smart contracts here.
  • DeFiStarter’s audit reports are accessible here.

Next Steps

Our team has decided that the first project to run an SPO on our platform will be DeFiStarter itself. The pilot SPO pool is already live and we will distribute the first 10,000 DFST tokens within 30 days. We have initiated it so that our early supporters and all DeFi enthusiasts could get acquainted with the platform. To participate in the pilot pool, please read our step-by-step guide first.

During upcoming SPO campaigns we will distribute 7,000,000 DFST tokens! Stay tuned for the updates!

Stay tuned

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