Future of Jobs after Deforestation

Joey Chen
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2019

Let’s discuss the effect of deforestation has on Earth. One effect is the decrease in the quality of air, since trees are responsible for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Without trees, air pollution will be one of the biggest problems in the future. According to my classmate Xena Weng from Class II, this effect will have dramatic impact on children, as she states:

  • Increased sickness
  • Reduce ability to learn and grow
  • Decrease human capital growth as an effect ” -(2019)

In other words, air pollution will have intense side effect on the future generation, ranging from growing sickness to decrease in human growth. This will lead to the increase in job and fields regarding those occupations.

Increased Sickness

This effect from deforestation will directly bring rise to jobs regarding field of nursing and medical related jobs. These professionals will be needed to treat any child that has fallen ill. It will also likely bring rise to health industries because they will be needed to created more drugs for the sick children. This effect will indirectly bring rise to jobs related to chemistry and biology, since they will be need to develop vaccines

Reduced Ability to learn and grow

This effect from deforestation will directly bring rise to jobs regarding fields of children education, childhood development, and special education. These professionals will be needed to assist children in their education, their development if growth is impaired, and special educated if their ability to learn is impaired.

Decrease human capital growth as an effect

On the contrary, this effect might not open up jobs because of the increase in mortality rate. This is because in the future, machines and computers are very likely to take over many jobs that humans are currently occupying.This effect from deforestation will directly bring rise to jobs like computer science and robotics. The decrease in human capital means there will be more professionals needed to control these machines in order for industries to continue functioning.


In summary, the effect of deforestation will likely to bring rise to many job prospects even though it will inevitable decrease the amount of resources we will have on Earth.

Source: Wang, X. (2019, March 1). Air Pollution Impact on the Young in China [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://medium.com/inhale-solution-exhale-pollution/air-pollution-impact-on-the-young-in-china-83413b3733be

