My Research Direction

Joey Chen
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

Imagine this: It is 2050, 90% of the forest on Earth has been cut down for either material or spaces. Without a sustainable amount of trees, many animals like birds became extinct, and oxygen in the air has been reduced and carbon dioxide has drastically increased.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Of course it does, it literally reminds you of every survival movie plot all of you are familiar with; and just like the outcome of those movies, humans will find a way to survive and continue their legacy.

But unlike the movies, what they do not show is what will happen hundred of years later, after humans secure their basic needs of survival, and back to the business and economic aspect of human civilization.

What will humans do to replace old materials made out of wood(ex. paper)? what kind of job will begin its increase in employment? What are some direct and indirect effect deforestation will have on the human economy? These are the questions I will be addressing through my research.

I am very interested in this topic because we as humans have the tendency to take things for granted. Trees and woods are one of those things; we as humans have been using them ever since the beginning of times. When our ancestor, the Homo Sapiens, use trees and woods for fire. In the current time, we humans are still relying on woods but for more direct and indirect ways than ever before. We are directly relying on trees and woods for materials, and indirectly relying on trees and woods because they are habitat for animals that are providing a balance to our ecosystems.

Therefore, it will be intriguing to find out the effect of trees and woods have on humans. Moreover, I am more interested to find out the result of these adaptations have on humans’ jobs and economy.

