DEFRA UCD Operations Sprint 8

Samantha Brown
DEFRA UCD Operations
4 min readJun 15, 2021

31 May — 13 June 2021

An accessible version of this update is available via Google Docs.

A field of wheat at sunset
Photo by Nicolas Picard on Unsplash

This was sprint 8 for User Centred Design Operations in Defra.

Below are updates from each practice, and when you get to the end, there’s something to make you smile.

Design — Tom Frankland

The goals from a design perspective for this sprint were to start exploring ideas for how designers might better use the prototype kit, and to review the objectives for design ops over the next few months.

What went well

  • This sprint I’ve had some great conversations about what we could do to provide designers with additional resources to support their prototyping, and I’m now feeling optimistic that this is a project that’s worth investing time and effort into. Next steps are to create the documents needed to start a working group that will look at how we do this.
  • I also met with Kay Patel from HMRC, who leads on inclusion, accessibility and standards. This was a super useful and inspiring conversation and it gave me loads to think about in regards to how we support and grow our dedicated accessibility team, and how we link them up to the wider design community.
  • This has also been the sprint where I’ve got close to having met every designer currently working at Defra, and for those that I haven’t, I have arranged to do so in the near future.

What didn’t go well

  • I was hoping to find time to review all the brilliant presentations that took place at last sprints UCD quarterly, but unfortunately haven't been able to fit these in yet. Definitely one for next sprint!

Content — Cerys Mainwaring

What went well

  • Last week for me until March 2022! Getting a lot of processes and handover documents sorted has been my main priority as the brilliant John, who you will all meet very soon, will be taking over the reins!
  • Meeting John (virtually!) this week was great, he will be a fab addition to the team and UCD as a whole!

What didn’t go well

  • Some small niggles with new starters’ getting their kit — and correct kit in some cases — fingers crossed by the time I return the process will have changed and be simpler, I remain hopeful and optimistic, somewhat naïve perhaps!
  • Winding down from work to start maternity leave… I don’t feel ready to finish yet!!

Research — Samantha Brown

The goals from a research perspective for this sprint were to plan work for our new starters, and to support the user research and content teams to review the objectives for their professions over the next few months. Both Research and Content Ops strategy need to be aligned to what the professions aspire to deliver.

What went well

  • Take part in research service on — I am working with Chris Marshall (lead user researcher at to get Defra on boarded. Defra are providing an intern for 9 weeks to complete research on the live service. This will involve assessing peoples experience of using the service (both citizens and internal), understand the evolving user needs and testing changes or improvements.
  • Gave a talk on ethics at the X Gov Re Ops community — I spoke about a history of ethics, how racism impacts us all and led an ethical debate.
  • I caught up with Imran Akhtar at the Department for Education. Imran is one of my favourite humans and is doing great work in his role as Ops Manager.
  • Worked with colleagues X Gov to plan the next X Gov Re Ops meetup, we are having a lean coffee event. Get in touch if you want an invite.
  • I met with John Brewer who will be joining our team from the DWP at the start of July. Johns priority will be to get our UCD Ops Sharepoint site working! It's the backbone of a good Ops team.
  • Had a few days leave and went mountain biking at Coed Y Brenin.

What didn’t go well

  • I said a teary farewell to the utterly amazing Cerys Mainwaring this week as she goes on maternity leave. Cerys is a key person within Ops and will be missed.

Something to make you smile

Meet Ruibin — owned by Fern Williams and family

Ruibin is an Irish setter who had his first birthday in April. We got him as a lockdown puppy on 31st May 2020.His favourite things to do are

  • play fetch with his ball,
  • annoy his brother Alfie (our black Labrador) and his sister Rosie (our Maine coon cat). She ended up in the pond because of his playfulness the other week.
  • have early morning cuddles with the humans in the house.

His biggest quirk is that he barks with excitement whenever he’s allowed to run around the fields on walks. There are so many mischievous things to pick from, but the most recent is that he’s learnt how to open the cupboard that contains treats and toys. We’ve had to relocate them now as he was helping himself to them whenever he wanted!

Ruibin the Irish Setter jumping through grass
Ruibin — look at those ears !

