Runaway: A Sonnet

by Kristin Garth

Defuncted Editors
2 min readDec 18, 2018


Photo by A L L E F . V I N I C I U S Δ on Unsplash

You’re old enough to know how this will end.
Don’t long for anyplace you’ve ever been.
Plane ride to an imaginary friend,
details so perfect he crafts with a pen.

Nothing’s as romantic as far away.
Only a stranger can make you feel new.
His city, your setting, his lines, you say;
you’re easily written, so he’ll cast you.

A part you sink into, you even smile.
Your hair and your body, all his to convey.
You forget it’s an act after a while.
Then some new director writes you a play.

How old must you be to learn how to stay?
Will you ever not want to runaway?

Previously published in Murmur Journal, October 2017

Kristin Garth is a Pushcart & Best of the Net nominated sonnet stalker. Her poetry has stalked magazines like Glass, Yes, Five:2: One, Anti-Heroin Chic, Former Cactus, Occulum, Luna Luna, & many more. She has three other chapbooks Pink Plastic House and Good Girl Games (Maverick Duck Press), Pensacola Girls (Bone & Ink Press, Sept 2018). She has another forthcoming, Puritan U (Rhythm & Bones Lit March 2019). Her full length, Candy Cigarette, is forthcoming April 2019 (The Hedgehog Poetry Press). Follow her on Twitter: (@lolaandjolie), and her website (

