Two Ways Anxiety Can Affect Entrepreneurs

Becoming spam and a nuisance

Tiisetso Maloma
Defuse Anxiety
1 min readSep 15, 2015


When nothing is coming off from your hustle, it can get you ticked off and anxious.

I have experienced this several times. I would start pitching people out of desperation to win, without thoughtfully weighing if what I am offering levels up to at least fair value for them.

I became a nuisance!

When we do this, we become nothing but spam.

Can’t add value

It is obvious that when the mind is focused on problems, it will stress further and deeper.

It cannot think of creative solutions. Therefore, it cannot add value.

To add value, it has to unwind.

It is that whole say that you can’t think out of the box while you are in the box. You’ve got to get out of the box.

That is why taking long walks is said to be ideal for when stressed out. Then the mind starts connecting ideas and weighing them.

Multiple ideas come up, we choose the best.



Tiisetso Maloma
Defuse Anxiety

Publishing, brands and education entrepreneur. Created 100+ products and authored 10 books. Innovation and economics enthusiast