Teflon Trump Winning Unfair Fight

He is the ringmaster of a one man show

Alex Teu
Defy Convention
3 min readMay 15, 2016


Source: huffingtonpost.com

It’s not fair.

The vanquished candidates for the Republican nomination never had a chance. And now Hillary is starting to see what it’s like to be be held accountable for every word uttered and action taken.

Believe me, I’m the last person to cry foul and bleed for politicians. It’s just that the un-level playing field is heading to a disastrous outcome: President Trump.

And we can’t have that. For everyone’s sake.

Unbreakable, irrepressible

One week after another, it doesn’t freakin’ matter what the man does or says or unsays. His numbers go up.

What did he do just this past week alone?

He denied that he was “John Miller ”in a recorded interview from 20 years ago who claimed to be Trump’s PR representative and who extolled Trump’s prowess with women. Aside from the immaturity and insecurity of his action, his denial was stunning since it sounded exactly like him and the details could only come from Trump himself. He thinks we are that stupid.

He is refusing to turn over his tax returns, telling an interviewer that “it was none of your business”. He then changed his tune that he would do so after an audit was completed and hoped that it would be completed by election day. This refusal puts the lie to his frequent statements during the Republican debates that he would absolutely turn them over. This refusal goes against the long history of candidates running for President turning them over, including Mitt Romney in 2012 who initially refused but eventually relented. One of the men who advised him to turn it over — Trump.

His long time butler posted on his Facebook that President Obama should be dragged from his white mosque and hung. This came after many past racist statements against Blacks and minorities. Trump kept him on in his employ, through thin and awful. Finally, even the Donald knew better this time and distanced himself from his old friend.

Attack of the killer bully

At the same time, Trump tries to turn the table by pointing at Hillary to turn over her paid speaking engagements with Goldman Sachs.

I can’t imagine what stones would be uncovered with her speech — I’m sure it was about the lessons learned from the mortgage crisis and the strengthened banking system that followed. On the other hand, I have no doubt that there are some juicy gems to be found in Trump’s tax returns.

Paying less taxes than you and me? Probably. A tax haven or two? Quite possibly. Or — gasp — he’s not as rich as he says he is? Whatever else, the tax returns are directly relevant to his implicit platform of representing the common guy.

It is such a lie, his biggest one. He represents no one but himself. This is consistent with the fact that he has never served public office.

How does he get away with it?

He’s not an escape artist. He does not have to wriggle out of jams. His supporters forgive and love him more. He just says whatever he wants. He is not held accountable. He’s more illusionist than Houdini.

A different standard

He’s not being judged the same as other holders of public office or those aspiring to be. Congressmen have resigned over just whispers of infidelity or homesexuality.

What’s going on here?

It’s not so much a double standard. It’s more that he’s not being viewed as a political candidate at all.

Plain and simple — he’s a showman.

Everything he does becomes part of the Greatest Show on Earth. It’s a three ring circus.

Ooh! Aah!

We all watch no matter how awful.

The only wrong he can do is to do boring.

Let’s all hope for a mundane ending.



Alex Teu
Defy Convention

A lawyer, I once was; a cloud startup insighter, forever. For the foreseeable now, odrive, I live.