DEFY Monthly Overview — October 2022

Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2022

As we progress through the ongoing Operation Cadre and continue building the game towards our beta launch, the past month has already seen some significant new additions to the project and exciting developments.

In case you missed it, here is an overview of all the latest happenings over the month of October!

Retriever Drones (Prototype)

Imagine getting to play DEFY from home by sending out retriever drones to fetch wallets for you instead of heading out for a walk? That is now possible with the introduction of Retriever Drones.

It is worth noting that this new feature is a prototype and the most basic iteration of a Retriever Drone as they are meant to be available for free as a way to onboard new users and enable them to play the game without the pressure of having to step out of home for a walk right away. Players are also limited by the energy cost to send out these drones, requiring 1 energy for every 10 meters the wallet is away from you.

Community Update + AMA Session

We had two sessions held over the month where our CEO and co-founders shared more about upcoming development plans, as well as answer questions from the community.

Click on the following links to watch/listen to them:

  1. [Video] Community Update — October 2022

2. [13 October 2022] Community AMA via Twitter Spaces

Alternatively, for your listening convenience, you may access all AMA recordings via our Discord server under the #ama-recordings channel where you can find timestamps to help navigate through the various questions asked throughout each session.

Operation Cadre continues

Thanks to the effort of our Intel Operatives the current total shared prize pool stands at 2,050,000 $DEFY (as of 31st October).

In case you missed it, here is a reminder of the requirements to be eligible for a share of the total prize pool (to be fulfilled within the span of Operation Cadre)

Possess an Intel Operative Badge from the in-app Black Market

Hack at least 50 towers in total (of any security level)

Destroy at least 25 drones in total (of either type)

In the 35 days since Operation Cadre commenced a total of 17,365 new zones have been hacked around the world for the first time, as well as 77,088 drones taken down (both Collector and Hunter).

Game Updates Overview

From the launch of Retriever Drones to having a functioning Inventory System, and even enabling token withdrawal — including an in-app KYC process, a new engineering-focused article has been published to cover all of the changes the app has underwent throughout the month of October.

Get the full information on the following article:

Upcoming New Features Teaser

The next couple of months is going to be extra exciting as we have a whole line up of new features in store that will offer a new type of gameplay experience and bring more depth to the game as you know it.

If you have not already, check out the following videos teasing some of these new features!

Pilotable Drones are essentially an upgraded and more advanced version of Retriever Drones
Assemble your drone easily with the drone configurator system.
Use the Nanoforge to combine blueprints and raw materials to forge parts for your drones.
With the nanoforge comes a fully-fledged crafting system, a key element to create your own NFTs!
Buy and sell in-game NFT assets such as raw materials for crafting, drone parts, and even fully built drones!

DEFY Spotlight

Featuring mentions of DEFY across various platforms over the past month.

About DEFY

DEFY is passionate about building the next generation tools and platforms that allow users to view and interact with NFTs and other digital collectibles in the real world. DEFY’s vision of the metaverse is one that involves merging the virtual and physical worlds in a compelling and inspiring way.

Follow us for the latest news and announcements:

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