The Beginner’s Guide to Futures Trading: Understanding the Ins and Outs

Niklas Schomaker
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2023


Futures trading is an exciting and complex topic that can be intimidating for beginners. However, with the right approach and knowledge, futures trading can be a profitable venture. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of futures trading and explain some of the key factors you need to know to get started.

Main Part:

What is futures trading?

Futures trading refers to the buying and selling of standardized contracts that represent a specific commodity or asset. These contracts are traded on exchanges such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and can be used to lock in prices and hedge risks.

Types of futures contracts:

There are different types of futures contracts that represent different commodities and assets. Some of the most popular futures contracts include:

  • Agricultural futures (e.g., wheat, corn, soybeans)
  • - Energy futures (e.g., crude oil, natural gas)
  • - Metal futures (e.g., gold, silver)
  • - Stock index futures (e.g., S&P 500, Nasdaq)
  • - Cryptocurrency futures (e.g., BTC, ETH)

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Trading futures on margin:

One of the key differences between trading futures and other assets such as stocks is that futures traders can trade on margin. This means that they can use borrowed funds from their broker to open positions. Trading on margin can amplify profits, but it also increases the risk of losses.

In the cryptocurrency markets it is normal practice to use high leverage for positions, where 50x leverage is almost normal. This can help smaller individuals to trade bigger, but can lead to easy liquidation. In some cases these high leveraged positions can lead to extensive up and down moves triggering a lot of stop losses. The triggering of stop losses can lead to big wicks in crypto charts.

Understanding futures market positions:

When trading futures contracts, traders need to take a position on the market. This means either buying or selling a contract. There are two positions in futures trading: long and short. Going long means betting that the price of the asset will rise, while going short means betting that the price will fall.

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Hedging with futures:

Futures contracts are often used for hedging purposes. For example, if you’re a farmer, you can use futures contracts to lock in the price of the crops you’ll be harvesting in a few months’ time. This effectively protects you against any price volatility that may occur in the future.


Futures trading can be a complex and risky venture, but it can also be profitable if you understand the ins and outs of the market. By learning the basics of futures trading, you can become a successful trader and use futures contracts to manage risk and lock in prices. However, it’s important to remember that futures trading involves a high level of risk and should be approached with caution.



Niklas Schomaker

I am crypto and NFT enthusiast. Sometimes I write an article. You can visit my blog site at: &Twitter at