DeBio Network Privacy Computing Release Moved to Quarter Four of 2022

Important timeline announcement; DeBio Network’s data staking will move back one quarter.

DeBio Network
DeBio Network
3 min readJun 28, 2022


Image by Ocean Protocol

DeBio Network is moving the privacy computing feature back one quarter. The privacy computing feature will allow users to stake their genetic data in DeBio Network for real-world money through the Ocean Protocol.

The Ocean Protocol is a data marketplace where you can sell your data in a safe environment. Users can put their raw data up for sale and let buyers download them for a fee paid in cryptocurrency, but if you want your data to remain private while buyers can still run their machine learning algorithms, you can opt to use the compute-to-data model.

Compute-to-data uses privacy computing technology to keep the data private while allowing algorithms to run using it. Privacy computing allows more user-sensitive real-world data to be used in algorithms to make more accurate and ethical machine learning models. Unlike big tech companies such as Meta or Google, buyers in the Ocean Protocol will not use your sensitive private data without your prior knowledge because Ocean Protocol puts safety rails that require authorization before being able to run an algorithm.

Using Ocean Protocol’s technology, DeBio Network could fulfill its promise of creating a safe yet transparent system for your data where you can download and use your genomic data without any barriers. Yet, you can stake the data in a privacy computing environment earning you income while supporting the wider research ecosystem.

Pushing Privacy Computing One Quarter

DeBio Network’s privacy computing system depends heavily on Ocean Protocol’s ecosystem. Currently, the Ocean Protocol Team is undergoing massive changes to solve some of the platform’s critical issues. Data token rug pulling was among the problems they set out to fix in 2022, along with allowing variable prices for each data token.

Ocean Protocol will release all the fixes within its newest version, Ocean V4. The previous marketplace, Ocean V3, is still running, but new users cannot publish new algorithms or datasets because the submit form is no longer available in the Ocean V3 Marketplace. Publishing is only available for V4, and as of today, compute-to-data is not yet available on V4.

Users can already publish datasets but not compute-to-data algorithms. The Ocean Protocol Team hasn’t made a clear statement on when they will be able to provide this feature other than saying it will be available in 2022. To follow the news regarding Ocean Protocol’s recent updates regarding their timeline, you can read the article they posted last February.

Ocean Protocol has also released a definitive article on what they want Ocean V4 to be like and what issues they are looking to solve. You can read more about it in the Ocean V4 overview.

Ocean V4 was released a week ago, on the 8th of June.

How It Affects DeBio Network’s Timeline

The original plan was to roll out the data staking and marketplace feature at the end of Q3. Still, after the breaking changes on the Ocean Marketplace, DeBio Network will need to push the privacy computing ecosystem further down the road, possibly in the fourth quarter of 2022.

DeBio Network’s dev team was already working on the feature. Still, because of the recent deprecation of the Ocean V3 ecosystem, they will re-evaluate their priorities and focus on other features instead.

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