Jetpack Compose: Navigating to a Detail View (Part III)

Waseef Akhtar
Published in
7 min readJun 6, 2021


If you’ve been following my series of posts regarding RecyclerView (LazyColumn) in Jetpack Compose, chances are, you might have already accomplished most of what we wanted to achieve with the Puppy Adoption app.

For a quick recap, here’s where we left our app after styling it in Part II:

What’s left to achieve, you ask? Adding a detail view that our list view navigates to when clicked on a puppy item.

In case you’re not fond of reading blog posts, I’ve also turned this 4-part Jetpack Compose series into a 13-minute speed code video with some laid back music for you to watch and relax to! 😊

If you aren’t sure exactly what I am referring to, please go through my two previous posts in order to understand better.

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Waseef Akhtar

Android Engineer, Design Lead at Instabridge.