ClojureRemote 17 — Day 1 Round-Up

Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017
ClojureRemote 17

Today was the first day of ClojureRemote 17, a huge thank-you to Ryan Neufeld and the rest of the CR17 staff who put on an amazing day.

We began the morning with Clojure.spec Workshop by Yehonathan Sharvit (if you have never seen klipse before go check that out also!), followed by some tooling talk by Daniel Solano-Gomez. As well as an in-depth look into configuration by Anatoly Polinsky.

We then picked up with the second part of our Clojure.spec Workshop.

Before breaking for lunch Lucas Calvacanti and I started our presentations; he spoke about microservices in Clojure for Nubank. Where my presentation talked a bit about Boot, Feathers.js and Hoplon.

You can see the public talk here:

After lunch the afternoon picked back up with AWS, Lambda & Clojure by Nick Shook. As well as a few words of wisdom around Datomic by Robert Stuttaford. Dmitri Sotnikov talked a bit about Macchiato which is a ring compatible server for Node.js.

We also got an intro to Native Mobile Apps using React Native thanks to Paulus Esterhazy.

Clojure.spec is a big subject in the community right now, we got an overview of it with Onyx by Simon Belak. This is a must watch for anyone doing data manipulation, if you are programming in Clojure you should probably give this a try.

Finally Yoav Rubin gave a talk on Databases followed by a group discussion by Ryan Neufeld and Eric Normand, John Stevenson.

All in all ClojureRemote has been a fantastic experience this year and I cannot wait to get involved in the next conference.

See you all tomorrow for Day 2!

Here is a BONUS screenshot from our post-conference board-games night:

