Pre:ClojureRemote 17 — Feathers.js Client (cljs (feathers))

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2 min readDec 9, 2016
ClojureRemote 17

The part that many of you have been waiting for (I sure have been) . Building the feathers cljs client. This is actually the easiest part now that we have the server working.

Our client wrapper mirrors the server and takes care of most of the work. We simply have to chain a few functions together like we do for the server, and pass a couple configuration options.

Our next topic will be Hoplon, I’ll be giving a demonstration on building the client application at ClojureRemote 17:

After chaining the client together, rebuilding the project shows no issues reported in the console. (We rock!) Next up the app logic.

Our app only has a few actions for us to wire up, and Javelin cells which we won’t worry about until later.

Most of the remaining app logic revolves around authentication. We are going to submit a hoplon feathers namespace to the hoplon/brew (experimental) repo. This namespace will handle integrating hoplon and javelin with feathers and give developers a few defaults to work with.

Before we start working with authentication we need a users service. This will house our data and allow us to create and fetch users. We are going to use the feathers memory adapter for now and not worry about persistent storage. Whenever we restart our application our user and message data will be cleared.

In the next post we will look into service hooks.

