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Just a reminder, Technology — its older than the advent of computers!

Degrees Apart
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2020


The last time I checked 'Technology' was Innovation driven that’s why the phrase — Innovative Technologies, not just by software, electricity. They are fairly new to humans.

Here are some super technologies relevant for over thousands of years:

  • The Wheel — no illustrations required here!
Friendly Fire — Source:
  • Carrier Pigeons: They were the first Information (Transfer) Technology innovation. Even Reuters used them for an advantage! Here are a few examples of how they assisted.
The Dickin Medal awarded to the pigeons
  • The Fulcrum: It has been in use for ages from watering plants, fishing in India to universally used as a leverage to move heavy objects. Also, as vital tool in construction, shipping and other industries as — Crain.
  • The Screw: it has been in existence for much longer, but Archimedes screw as a water lift is sufficient to give its past some credence. It is ubiquitous now which holds everything (almost) together.

There are just so many to list here, but I hope now we all know where technology began!



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