How Can We Avoid Another Solana Wallet Hack

DeHacker Security
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2022

Nearly $4.5 million worth of tokens has been drained from thousands of Solana wallets, including Slope and Phantom. Hardware wallets are not affected.

On August 3, MagicEden officially tweeted that “there seems to be a widespread SOL exploit at play that’s draining wallets throughout the ecosystem

Then Solana officially replied to this event that “Engineers from multiple ecosystems, with the help of several security firms, are investigating drained wallets on Solana. There is no evidence hardware wallets are impacted.

The stolen funds have entered these wallet addresses, and the amount of each address is as follows:





The currently affected wallets are mainly Phantom wallet and Slope wallet.

Phantom has confirmed that the exploits are due to the complications related to importing accounts to and from Slope.

Slope Finance later said they are doing their best to solve and rectify the situation.

What can users and project parties do in terms of wallet security?

Users can usually divide wallets into two categories according to their purposes. The first category is used to store assets, including some large assets. Such assets can be stored in cold wallets to improve security. The second category is used for asset transactions, like Metamask, Burner Wallet, etc.

The wallet project party should also be careful not to upload the user’s private key and mnemonic to the server. Besides, it is necessary to find a professional third-party security company to conduct a professional security audit before the product is launched.

About Unicorn Ventures

Unicorn Venture is a community backed/private VC with the passionate investors to support and empower the most promising projects. We have a focus on decentralized finance, metaverse development, blockchain gaming and the intricate infrastructure of all of these combined!

In the space of blockchain where there are immense opportunities, the private investors fail to sometimes reach a potential project at an early stage for investment. Youngsters and newly entered enthusiast in crypto space who are small investors can’t afford to fill the min cap of the promising projects, Unicorn Venture is working to help those people and working towards bridging the gap between the community, private investors, and promising projects.


About DeHacker

DeHacker is a team of auditors and white hat hackers who perform security audits and assessments. With decades of experience in security and distributed systems, our experts focus on the ins and outs of system security. Our services follow clear and prudent industry standards. Whether it’s reviewing the smallest modifications or a new platform, we’ll provide an in-depth security survey at every stage of your company’s project. We provide comprehensive vulnerability reports and identify structural inefficiencies in smart contract code, combining high-end security research with a real-world attacker mindset to reduce risk and harden code.

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