Boost Your APY Up to 300% with DeHive Poly Cluster

Team DeHive
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2021

Since our team has launched the DeHive platform V1, users have been busy as a bee making profit. And what else did you expect from the Hive?

At the moment, the DeHive application has all the essential functions that enable fast and secure profit generation. These include DHV solo staking, DHV-QUICK LP staking, gate DHV staking, and, finally, Poly Cluster yield farming.

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Yes, you’ve heard us right. We’ve launched Polycluster yield farming, which is an excellent opportunity for all the DeHive community to multiply their annual percentage yield (APY). Eventually, you might get up to 300% APY solely by using this tool.

How is this possible? Let us break it up to you.

How to generate profit with DeHive

There are several ways to benefit from the DeHive platform, but probably, the easiest and most efficient one is by Poly Cluster yield farming. Here’s how it works.

Yield farming with DeHive allows you to get passive income while holding Polycluster in your wallet. Since the Cluster is backed by the set of underlying assets, when you decide to stake your Cluster, the assets will also be sent to yield farming protocols. This way, you can take advantage of the most efficient strategies developed by DeHive experts.

At the moment, DeHive is the only platform that enables yield farming on the underlying assets of the Cluster and not only the Cluster itself. This brand-new technology helps you benefit most from low-risk Polycluster yield farming and increase your profit up to 300% (25% traditional farming and 275% DHV incentives).

Compared to direct farming opportunities, DeHive Poly Cluster offers much better conditions, including higher APR and APY, lower volatility risks, better diversification, and a much simpler UX.

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Direct Farming VS DeHive Polycluster Yield Farming Possibilities

How to start yield farming on DeHive🤑

As we’ve mentioned before, the whole Polycluster yield farming is based on the most efficient strategies developed by our internal specialists. That’s why all you need to do is stake your Poly Cluster and DHV, and the system will take care of the rest.

Here’s how it happens step by step.

  1. You stake a particular amount of Poly Cluster and DHV tokens within the protocol.
  2. The smart contract gets the current prices of all the underlying assets with the help of built-in oracles.
  3. The DeHive platform sends separate underlying assets of your Poly Cluster to the yield farming protocols.
  4. You receive the converted yield as a new Poly Cluster (in a form of DPOL cluster tokens) backed by the generated profit.

As you can see, the whole process is very easy and doesn’t require much on your side. So why are you still waiting? Go for it and get your first Poly Cluster!

DeHive future plans

Polycluster yield farming can greatly benefit any user, and if you haven’t tried it yet, this is the right moment to join.

In the near future, we will release one more yield farming protocol for ETH Cluster and a couple of other features that you’ve been waiting for (some of them are NFT-related, but let’s keep it low-key for now).

That’s why, if you don’t want to miss out on the upcoming opportunities, stay tuned!

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Team DeHive

An experienced team of blockchain enthusiasts behind the growth and development of DeHive DeFi protocol