Get detailed info about DHV pre-sale terms. Find out more about the general rules and steps you need to know to participate in this round.

Team DeHive
5 min readMar 19, 2021


We are happy to be able to share the long-awaited details of the pre-sale with you!

First of all, to make it clear:

There is no whitelist — we are a truly decentralized project 😁

We have established a 50ETH limit (per address) for the amount of tokens you can acquire.

✍🏻Now, let’s proceed to the main points:

📅DATES: Start 02:00 PM UTC, March 24 — End 11:59 PM UTC, March 26


🧮QUANTITY: 500,000 DHV


📍 PLACE: DeHive Official website


🚀PRESALE HARD CAP: $900,000 (any unsold balance will be transferred to the future round. This rule is applicable for both NUX pool and common pool)

The DHV token pre-sale round will take place on our DeHive webpage and will START at 02:00 PM UTC. The pre-sale will be fully managed by a smart contract.

*Due to our partnership with Peanut protocol, 10% of the DHV pre-sale hard cap can be acquired in NUX tokens. The NUX rate to DHV will be updated once the deviation reaches 5%.

Therefore, we will provide you with two separate progress bars: depicting NUX pool and common pool (for ETH, DAI, and USDT). The data will be shown at the top of the tokensale page so that you can see and follow the progress.

DeHive is hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, so we expect you to have MetaMask installed on your device. Please make sure you have connected it before trying to interact with the webpage interface.

How to buy DHV using MetaMask?

  1. Go to the DeHive website and click the [BUY DHV] button in the top right corner.
buy dhv, dhv token, dhv tokensale
DeHive main page

2. Connect your wallet by clicking [CONNECT METAMASK]

buy dhv, dhv token, dhv tokensale
DeHive pre-sale page

If everything is correct, you should see your wallet address displayed.

3. As soon as your MetaMask is connected, you will see your DHV balance shown on the button of the “buy section”.

Yeah! You are now ready to grow your current portfolio with DHV!

4. Scroll down to the “buy section” and choose the asset you want to allocate: ETH, USDT, DAI or NUX.

“Buy section” on the DHV pre-sale page

When providing the desired amount, the DApp will show the exact amount of DHV you will get and the current DHV price.

5. Click [BUY] to proceed.

  • NOTE: Make sure the amount you deposit is available for allocation. You can see how many tokens are left by checking the pools’ progress bars at the top of the tokensale page.

6. Sign your transaction in the MetaMask pop-up window. Wait until your transaction will be confirmed in the blockchain.

🎉CONGRATS🎉 You’ve successfully become a DHV token holder!

7. As soon as the transaction is confirmed, your current DHV balance will be changed accordingly. You can also check your DHV balance on the DeHive smart contract. Please, remember that all DHV tokens are locked until the IDO event at the end of April [exact date TBA]. You will be able to start claiming your tokens after the IDO event.


How to buy DHV using other wallets?

We favor a decentralized world where everyone is able to choose what feels right for them, so have no desire to limit usage to MetaMask only. If you do not have MetaMask or do not want to use it for any reason you can still participate in this round. In order to do so, we support direct transfer to our ETH Token Sale contract from any other crypto wallets (like MyEtherWallet, Trezor, etc.).

  1. We will publish the exact contact address on our website [BUY DHV page] on the day the pre-sale starts.

*ATTENTION: Use only the address published on the DeHive official website! Do not send your funds to any address provided via email or other messengers.

2. We accept ONLY ETH to this address. Please, DO NOT send other cryptocurrencies to this address because it will be locked and lost.

3. Use your personal wallet only. DO NOT send ETH from any exchange (neither centralized ex. Binance, nor decentralized ones ex. Uniswap).

4. Set a gas limit before sending ETH to 87,500 to be able to send ETH to the contract.

5. No transaction data is needed in the transaction. Don’t add anything to that field unless you know exactly what you are doing.

6. DHV tokens will be assigned to the address that sends the transaction. Your DHV balance in the contract will change right after.

🎉CONGRATS🎉 You’ve successfully become a DHV token holder!

7. Please remember that all DHV tokens are locked until the IDO event at the end of April [exact date TBA]. You will be able to start claiming your tokens after the IDO event.

We are incredibly humbled by all the interest and support you’ve given to 🐝OUR HIVE! We look forward to your active participation during this round.

Keep up with all updates and 🐝ENTER OUR HIVE🐝 in our official media channels:

• Website:

• Twitter:

• Telegram Chat:

• Telegram Announcement Channel:



Team DeHive

An experienced team of blockchain enthusiasts behind the growth and development of DeHive DeFi protocol