Meet New Auto Compounding ⚡️Impulse for Curve

Team DeHive
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2021

We’ve received fantastic feedback on releasing our first automatic compounding tool, DeHive Impulse. Thank you so much for your support and all the love you’ve shown to our project over the last couple of weeks!

That’s why, right after launching QuickSwap and SushiSwap Impulses, we are releasing the next DeHive Impulse for Curve.

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Curve Impulse: What to expect?

With the new Curve Impulse, we’ve gone even further and simplified the process for our users as much as possible.

You probably remember that in the case of the QuickSwap and SushiSwap Impulses, you can easily get automatic compound interest in just a few clicks. All you need to do is add funds into a liquidity pair on the exchange and as you get LP tokens, entrust those to the DeHive Impulse smart contract. Then, our system automatically adds the interest to the existing pool, bringing you more profit.

With our Curve Impulse, however, you don’t have to do anything extra — the whole process lies within the DeHive platform.

To create automatic compound interest on Curve, you can simply use the coins that you stake on this exchange liquidity pool. No more need to put in LP tokens and complete all these extra steps.

Besides, token deposit to the Curve Impulse and their withdrawal is completely FREE.

Curve Impulse supports DAI, USDC, USDT, wBTC, WETH tokens.

We believe that our new Curve Impulse can be seen as a simple solution on the outside with advanced technology beneath it. So try it out and enjoy higher profit with less effort!

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Team DeHive

An experienced team of blockchain enthusiasts behind the growth and development of DeHive DeFi protocol