Team DeHive
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2021

With the support of the community, we successfully reached our pre-sale goal on March 24! We are so grateful to everyone who decided to enter the DeHive ecosystem at this early stage and participated in this round.

We have officially closed our pre-sale and now are ready to share the results with you.

Here are some numbers summarizing this pre-sale round:

✔️Time to reach the pre-sale goal: 15 mins 38 secs

✔️Total number of raised funds: 899 988,745 USD

✔️Total amount of new-born DHV holders: 306🐝

✔️Total amount of DHV sold: 499993.747

💎Total number of ETH collected: 436.150 ETH

💎Total number of USDT collected: 54539.000 USDT

💎Total number of NUX collected: 30421.443 NUX

💎Total number of DAI collected: 84.033 DAI

The presale was completed very quickly, but we don’t want to concentrate on those vanity metrics. However, it’s fair to say that the huge demand and fast conclusion give us huge impetus to move forward and deliver a solid and high-quality product to the market.


Please remember that we have established 10-month linear vesting for all DHV tokens, so do not panic if you DON’T see them in your wallet. Your DHV tokens are securely stored and guarded by the DeHive smart contract 🙏🏻

Read more about DHV token vesting rules in this post

🛠The process

Overall, the pre-sale process went smoothly and with the highest security level provided. We have received many compliments regarding good UX and general dApp functionality.

*Yet no tokensale is perfect, and we have also had some challenges to confront.

There were a few people who experienced trouble regarding money transfering to the direct contract address.

🙏🏻 We are sorry for those inconveniences 🙏🏻

We have decided to provide a DHV allocation to those users in accordance with the invested amount.

What’s next?

Although the pre-sale is over, this was just one of the initial steps on the way to our greatest aim — a truly decentralized and market regulated DeFi Index. Currently, the platform MVP along with the first DeHive Index is in the active development phase. In parallel, the team is concentrated on getting maximum adoption and volume through strategic partnerships and other protocol integrations.

This is just the beginning. We invite you to join us in the 🐝DHV Public Sale round🐝, which will begin on the 14th of April. You should also expect the exact dates and upcoming news regarding the IDO event and exchange listings very soon. So stay tuned for more updates.

We truly appreciate all the support we have received until now and look forward to a bright future ahead.

🐝ENTER OUR HIVE🐝 in our official media channels:

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Team DeHive

An experienced team of blockchain enthusiasts behind the growth and development of DeHive DeFi protocol