THM Introduction to Antivirus

Dehni’s Notes
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2024

Antivirus (AV) software is an extra layer of security that aims to detect and prevent the execution and spread of malicious files in a target operating system.

It is a host-based application that runs in real-time (in the background) to monitor and check the current and newly downloaded files. The AV software inspects and decides whether files are malicious using different techniques.

Traditional AV software looks for malware with predefined malicious patterns or signatures.

In addition to AV software, other host-based security solutions provide real-time protection to endpoint devices. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a security solution that provides real-time protection based on behavioral analytics.

An antivirus application performs scanning, detecting, and removing malicious files. On the other hand, EDR monitors various security checks in the target machine, including file activities, memory, network connections, Windows registry, processes, etc.

Modern Antivirus products are implemented to integrate the traditional Antivirus features and other advanced functionalities (similar to EDR functionalities) into one product to provide comprehensive protection against digital threats.

An AV engine is responsible for finding and removing malicious code and files.

Most AV products share the same common features but are implemented differently, including but not limited to:

  • Scanner
  • Detection techniques
  • Compressors and Archives
  • Unpackers
  • Emulators

AV detection can be classified into three main approaches:

  • Static Detection
  • Dynamic Detection
  • Heuristic and Behavioral Detection

Static detection technique is the simplest type of Antivirus detection, which is based on predefined signatures of malicious files.

Static Detection

Simply, it uses pattern-matching techniques in the detection, such as finding a unique string, CRC (Checksums), sequence of bytecode/Hex values, and Cryptographic hashes.

It then performs a set of comparisons between existing files within the operating system and a database of signatures. If the signature exists in the database, then it is considered malicious. This method is effective against static malware.

The dynamic detection approach is advanced and more complicated than static detection. Dynamic detection is focused more on checking files at runtime using different methods.

Dynamic Detection

The first method is by monitoring Windows APIs. The detection engine inspects Windows application calls and monitors Windows API calls using Windows Hooks.

Another method for dynamic detection is Sandboxing. A sandbox is a virtualized environment used to run malicious files separated from the host computer.

As with other detection techniques, dynamic detection can be bypassed. Malware developers implement their software to not work within the virtual or simulated environment to avoid dynamic analysis.

Heuristic and behavioral detection have become essential in today’s modern AV products. Modern AV software relies on this type of detection to detect malicious software.

Heuristic and Behavioral Detection

The heuristic analysis uses various techniques, including static and dynamic heuristic methods:

  • Static Heuristic Analysis is a process of decompiling (if possible) and extracting the source code of the malicious software. Then, the extracted source code is compared to other well-known virus source codes. These source codes are previously known and predefined in a heuristic database. If a match meets or exceeds a threshold percentage, the code is flagged as malicious.
  • Dynamic Heuristic Analysis is based on predefined behavioral rules. Security researchers analyzed suspicious software in isolated and secured environments. Based on their findings, they flagged the software as malicious. Then, behavioral rules are created to match the software’s malicious activities within a target machine.

AV Testing Environment

AV testing environments are a great place to check suspicious or malicious files. You can upload files to get them scanned against various AV software vendors. Moreover, platforms such as VirusTotal use various techniques and provide results within seconds. As a red teamer or a pentester, we must test a payload against the most well-known AV applications to check the effectiveness of the bypass technique.

