THM Network Fundamentals

Dehni’s Notes
Published in
12 min readMar 4, 2024

Notes from Network Fundamentals Module

What is Networking?

Networks are simply things connected.

In computing, a network can be formed by anywhere from 2 devices to billions.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is one giant network that consists of many, many small networks within itself.

The first iteration of the Internet was within the ARPANET project in the late 1960s. This project was funded by the United States Defence Department and was the first documented network in action. However, it wasn’t until 1989 when the Internet as we know it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee by the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW). It wasn’t until this point that the Internet started to be used as a repository for storing and sharing information, just like it is today.

Identifying Devices on a Network

To communicate and maintain order, devices must be both identifying and identifiable on a network.

To identify device we have 2 things to look:

  • An IP Address
  • A Media Access Control (MAC) Address — think of this as being similar to a serial number.

IP Address

IP address (or Internet Protocol) address can be used as a way of identifying a host on a network for a period of time, where that IP address can then be associated with another device without the IP address changing.

IP address is a set of numbers that are divided into four octets. The value of each octet will summarise to be the IP address of the device on the network. This number is calculated through a technique known as IP addressing & subnetting.

IP Addresses follow a set of standards known as protocols. These protocols are the backbone of networking and force many devices to communicate in the same language.

Depending on where they are will determine what type of IP address they have: a public or private IP address.

A public address is used to identify the device on the Internet, whereas a private address is used to identify a device amongst other devices.

Let’s say we have 2 devices on a private network:

These two devices will be able to use their private IP addresses to communicate with each other. However, any data sent to the Internet from either of these devices will be identified by the same public IP address. Public IP addresses are given by your Internet Service Provider (or ISP) at a monthly fee.

MAC Address

Devices on a network will all have a physical network interface, which is a microchip board found on the device’s motherboard. This network interface is assigned a unique address at the factory it was built at, called a MAC (Media Access Control ) address. The MAC address is a twelve-character hexadecimal number (a base sixteen numbering system used in computing to represent numbers) split into two’s and separated by a colon. These colons are considered separators. For example, a4:c3:f0:85:ac:2d. The first six characters represent the company that made the network interface, and the last six is a unique number.

However, an interesting thing with MAC addresses is that they can be faked or “spoofed” in a process known as spoofing. This spoofing occurs when a networked device pretends to identify as another using its MAC address. When this occurs, it can often break poorly implemented security designs that assume that devices talking on a network are trustworthy.

Ping (ICMP)

Ping is one of the most fundamental network tools available to us. Ping uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets to determine the performance of a connection between devices, for example, if the connection exists or is reliable.

The time taken for ICMP packets travelling between devices is measured by ping. This measuring is done using ICMP’s echo packet and then ICMP’s echo reply from the target device.

Pings can be performed against devices on a network, such as your home network or resources like websites. This tool can be easily used and comes installed on Operating Systems (OSs) such as Linux and Windows. The syntax to do a simple ping is ping IP address or website URL.


Address Resolution Protocol or ARP for short, is the technology that is responsible for allowing devices to identify themselves on a network.

Simply, the ARP protocol allows a device to associate its MAC address with an IP address on the network. Each device on a network will keep a log of the MAC addresses associated with other devices.

When devices wish to communicate with another, they will send a broadcast to the entire network searching for the specific device. Devices can use the ARP protocol to find the MAC address (and therefore the physical identifier) of a device for communication.

How does ARP Work?

Each device within a network has a ledger to store information on, which is called a cache. In the context of the ARP protocol, this cache stores the identifiers of other devices on the network.

In order to map these two identifiers together (IP address and MAC address), the ARP protocol sends two types of messages:

  1. ARP Request
  2. ARP Reply

When an ARP request is sent, a message is broadcasted to every other device found on a network by the device, asking whether or not the device’s MAC address matches the requested IP address. If the device does have the requested IP address, an ARP reply is returned to the initial device to acknowledge this. The initial device will now remember this and store it within its cache (an ARP entry).


IP addresses can be assigned either manually, by entering them physically into a device, or automatically and most commonly by using a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. When a device connects to a network, if it has not already been manually assigned an IP address, it sends out a request (DHCP Discover) to see if any DHCP servers are on the network. The DHCP server then replies back with an IP address the device could use (DHCP Offer). The device then sends a reply confirming it wants the offered IP Address (DHCP Request), and then lastly, the DHCP server sends a reply acknowledging this has been completed, and the device can start using the IP Address (DHCP ACK).

OSI Model

The OSI model (or Open Systems Interconnection Model) is an absolute fundamental model used in networking.

The application layer of the OSI model is the layer that you will be most familiar with. This familiarity is because the application layer is the layer in which protocols and rules are in place to determine how the user should interact with data sent or received.

Layer 6 of the OSI model is the layer in which standardisation starts to take place. Because software developers can develop any software such as an email client differently, the data still needs to be handled in the same way — no matter how the software works.

This layer acts as a translator for data to and from the application layer (layer 7). The receiving computer will also understand data sent to a computer in one format destined for in another format. For example, when you send an email, the other user may have another email client to you, but the contents of the email will still need to display the same.

Security features such as data encryption (like HTTPS when visiting a secure site) occur at this layer.

Once data has been correctly translated or formatted from the presentation layer (layer 6), the session layer (layer 5) will begin to create a connection to the other computer that the data is destined for. When a connection is established, a session is created. Whilst this connection is active, so is the session.

The session layer (layer 5) synchronises the two computers to ensure that they are on the same page before data is sent and received. Once these checks are in place, the session layer will begin to divide up the data sent into smaller chunks of data and begin to send these chunks (packets) one at a time. This dividing up is beneficial because if the connection is lost, only the chunks that weren’t yet sent will have to be sent again — not the entire piece of the data.

Layer 4 of the OSI model plays a vital part in transmitting data across a network and can be a little bit difficult to grasp. When data is sent between devices, it follows one of two different protocols that are decided based upon several factors:

  • TCP
  • UDP

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), this protocol is designed with reliability and guarantee in mind. This protocol reserves a constant connection between the two devices for the amount of time it takes for the data to be sent and received.

Not only this, but TCP incorporates error checking into its design. Error checking is how TCP can guarantee that data sent from the small chunks in the session layer (layer 5) has then been received and reassembled in the same order.

TCP is used for situations such as file sharing, internet browsing or sending an email. This usage is because these services require the data to be accurate and complete (no good having half a file!).

User Datagram Protocol (or UDP for short). This protocol is not nearly as advanced as its brother — the TCP protocol. It doesn’t boast the many features offered by TCP, such as error checking and reliability. In fact, any data that gets sent via UDP is sent to the computer whether it gets there or not. There is no synchronisation between the two devices or guarantee; just hope for the best, and fingers crossed.

The third layer of the OSI model (network layer) is where the magic of routing & re-assembly of data takes place (from these small chunks to the larger chunk). Firstly, routing simply determines the most optimal path in which these chunks of data should be sent.

Whilst some protocols at this layer determine exactly what is the “optimal” path that data should take to reach a device, we should only know about their existence at this stage of the networking module. Briefly, these protocols include OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and RIP (Routing Information Protocol). The factors that decide what route is taken is decided by the following:

  • What path is the shortest? I.e. has the least amount of devices that the packet needs to travel across.
  • What path is the most reliable? I.e. have packets been lost on that path before?
  • Which path has the faster physical connection? I.e. is one path using a copper connection (slower) or a fibre (considerably faster)?

At this layer, everything is dealt with via IP addresses such as Devices such as routers capable of delivering packets using IP addresses are known as Layer 3 devices — because they are capable of working at the third layer of the OSI model.

The data link layer focuses on the physical addressing of the transmission. It receives a packet from the network layer (including the IP address for the remote computer) and adds in the physical MAC (Media Access Control) address of the receiving endpoint. Inside every network-enabled computer is a Network Interface Card (NIC) which comes with a unique MAC address to identify it.

MAC addresses are set by the manufacturer and literally burnt into the card; they can’t be changed — although they can be spoofed. When information is sent across a network, it’s actually the physical address that is used to identify where exactly to send the information.

Additionally, it’s also the job of the data link layer to present the data in a format suitable for transmission.

First layer references the physical components of the hardware used in networking and is the lowest layer that you will find. Devices use electrical signals to transfer data between each other in a binary numbering system (1’s and 0's).

Packets & Frames

Packets and frames are small pieces of data that, when forming together, make a larger piece of information or message. However, they are two different things in the OSI model.

A frame is at layer 2 — the data link layer, meaning there is no such information as IP addresses. Think of this as putting an envelope within an envelope and sending it away. The first envelope will be the packet that you mail, but once it is opened, the envelope within still exists and contains data (this is a frame). This process is called encapsulation.

At this stage, it’s safe to assume that when we are talking about anything IP addresses, we are talking about packets. When the encapsulating information is stripped away, we’re talking about the frame itself.

Packets are an efficient way of communicating data across networked devices.

Because this data is exchanged in small pieces, there is less chance of bottlenecking occurring across a network than large messages being sent at once.

For example, when loading an image from a website, this image is not sent to your computer as a whole, but rather small pieces where it is reconstructed on your computer.

Packets have different structures that are dependant upon the type of packet that is being sent. As we’ll come on to discuss, networking is full of standards and protocols that act as a set of rules for how the packet is handled on a device.


TCP (or Transmission Control Protocol for short) is another one of these rules used in networking.

This protocol is very similar to the OSI model.

The TCP/IP protocol consists of four layers and is arguably just a summarised version of the OSI model. These layers are:

  • Application
  • Transport
  • Internet
  • Network Interface

Very similar to how the OSI model works, information is added to each layer of the TCP model as the piece of data (or packet) traverses it. As you may recall, this process is known as encapsulation — where the reverse of this process is decapsulation.

One defining feature of TCP is that it is connection-based, which means that TCP must establish a connection between both a client and a device acting as a server before data is sent.

Because of this, TCP guarantees that any data sent will be received on the other end. This process is named the Three-way handshake.

TCP packets contain various sections of information known as headers that are added from encapsulation.

The Three-way handshake communicates using a few special messages — the table below highlights the main ones:

Three-way handshake:

Any sent data is given a random number sequence and is reconstructed using this number sequence and incrementing by 1. Both computers must agree on the same number sequence for data to be sent in the correct order. This order is agreed upon during three steps:

  1. SYN — Client: Here’s my Initial Sequence Number(ISN) to SYNchronise with (0)
  2. SYN/ACK — Server: Here’s my Initial Sequence Number (ISN) to SYNchronise with (5,000), and I ACKnowledge your initial number sequence (0)
  3. ACK — Client: I ACKnowledge your Initial Sequence Number (ISN) of (5,000), here is some data that is my ISN+1 (0 + 1)

Closing tcp connection:


The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is another protocol that is used to communicate data between devices.

Unlike its brother TCP, UDP is a stateless protocol that doesn’t require a constant connection between the two devices for data to be sent. For example, the Three-way handshake does not occur, nor is there any synchronisation between the two devices.

UDP packets are much simpler than TCP packets and have fewer headers. However, both protocols share some standard headers, which are what is annotated in the table below:

UDP connection:


Ports are an essential point in which data can be exchanged.

Networking devices use ports to enforce strict rules when communicating with one another. When a connection has been established (recalling from the OSI model’s room), any data sent or received by a device will be sent through these ports. In computing, ports are a numerical value between 0 and 65535 (65,535). Any port that is within 0 and 1024 (1,024) is known as a common port. Let’s explore some of these other protocols below:

