CIL, DEIP, DLP, DAS: what does it all mean?

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5 min readFeb 4, 2022

At DEIP, we have a lot of different technologies that are part of the entire ecosystem. This can get a little confusing, so we should explain further.

The basis of everything at DEIP is the core protocol.

A protocol is rules between something. For example, every time two specific people meet, they should do a specific handshake, if they don’t do so, they have broken the protocol and there will be some specific circumstances.

This is the most fundamental thing and what DEIP networks are launched on. Networks are an operational implementation of the protocol. Until the protocol is implemented with code, its just a set of operations and description of behavior of the protocol on each operation

On top of the core protocol there are some “plug-in” protocols like the Dynamic Liquidity Protocol (DLP) or the Collective Intelligence Protocol. Plugins that can be added also include infrastructure, interfaces, etc.

Users don’t have to know the difference about the protocols, just that they need to connect things so that they can have the specific feature.

Lastly, there are specific applications/portals which are operating on top of the network (and therefore the protocol). These include Vedai and Tech Transfer.

So in the end we have a hierarchy with the core protocol on the bottom, plugin protocols and network above, and applications and products on the top.

Let’s take a look at the different parts of the ecosystem and explain what their purpose is.

CIL — Collective Intelligence Labs

Collective Intelligence Labs is an incubator of decentralized technologies. It aims to build an infrastructure for global collective intelligence and a system for human intellectual capital. To do so, it has its own ecosystem of protocols, networks and products.

The Web 3.0 transition is taking too long as there isn’t enough open innovation between projects. One of the main issues is that projects in the space are stuck in the “Web 3.0 bubble”: trying to recreate existing businesses in the Web 3 space instead of facilitating the development of new business models.

CIL creates a framework/assessment criteria to assess projects to be incubated. Selection is strict since there is a strong connection between the incubator and projects in addition to between projects.

CIL advocates for its own ecosystem which is inclusive and operates with open innovation.

CIC — Collective Intelligence Council

There is no mechanism or existing tools that facilitate the smooth transition to Web 3.0. So CIL created a DAO that is structured similar to a non-profit organization, with a governance body that provides a structure for the transition of resources from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

CIC attracts high-profile people from different industries in the real (tangible) world to help govern and have input on the development of the ecosystem.

Digital Vision

Governments have been slow in their digital transformation and still have far to go. There needs to be a way to open up more opportunities for citizens, in addition to increasing transparency and accessibility to government services.

Digital Vision is a vehicle for the digital transformation of governments in the form of a DAO.

Digital Vision helps governments transition to Web 3.0 by creating a framework for inclusivity via crowdsourcing.


Creators have long been left behind and exploited by centralized authorities that assume the majority of value created by creators. Creators need a way to extract more value from their work and achieve greater recognition and financial reward

DEIP is a creator economy protocol for the tokenization, organization, and governance of intangible assets. It puts creators at the centre of the economic model, allowing them to skip out the middle men and receive funding (via collateralization) or sell their work through tokenization


Building Web 3.0 apps (dApps) is too difficult, time consuming, and costly. This is hampering the development of decentralized technologies and their ecosystems. This is why DEIP created a modular constructor that allows to build dApps rapidly and isn’t limited to DEIP’s network. With the Constructor, anyone can tokenize assets for any industry and quickly transition to Web 3.0.

The Constructor operates using an open source framework and offers a low/no-code way to build dApps for Web 3.0.

DLP — Dynamic Liquidity Protocol

Intangible assets are illiquid and this is holding the creator economy back. The DLP radically increases the liquidity of intangible assets using DeFi technology.

For creators to be able to tokenize their works and collateralize it for funding, there needs to be a system (DLP) which can manage the collateralization process and the movement of funds: loans, sale of assets in case of default.

CIP — Collective Intelligence Protocol

There needs to be a way to scale decision making everywhere and to find a new way to make decisions that isn’t based on trust between people. We created a decentralized decision-making framework for different (sub)domains that uses agent-based simulations for reward modelling, rewarding those for their contributions.

The CIP implements a proof-of-reputation to weight decisions and votes based on experience and track records.


Education and access to better jobs is becoming prohibitively expensive and difficult. This is exacerbated by the digital divide around the world. Education needs to become more accessible for anyone, anywhere.

Vedai is a crowdfunding platform that provides funding to learners looking to acquire skills to become digital professionals.

Vedai brings together investors, students, and bootcamps. Investors are satisfied with the income they generate while helping others to achieve and kickstart their careers in digital with new skills.

Tech Transfer

Tech assets are underutilized. Tech Transfer enables liquidity of tech assets by bringing researchers, enterprises, and investors together to carry out tech assets discovery, assessment, matching, monetization and investment mechanisms.


There aren’t enough Web 3.0 experts and this is hampering development of the next decentralized web. We need to start preparing to become Web 3-ready and to do so we need to train people. So we created the Academy: an education platform (college) for Web 3.

Here people can learn about all aspects of decentralized governance and technologies to advance adoption. The Academy trains people for Web-3 adoption with materials, research, and knowledge sharing.

Stay tuned for updates and learn how to get involved by following DEIP

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