CIL report: DeFi for the creator economy

Alex Shkor
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Together with Dr. Dimitri Sidorovitch, we wrote a report for Collective Intelligence Labs on DeFi for the creator economy.

Read the report


Decentralized technologies are starting to revolutionize the world of finance, with cryptocurrencies being applied in different ways to recreate traditional financial instruments. However, since cryptos aren’t backed by anything but the faith that people have in them they are extremely volatile. This means that, when it comes to loaning value with crypto, neither party can be sure that they will get a fair deal.

There needs to be a way to secure the value of the assets loaned and this can be done by backing them up with value in the real world. This is where tokenization of real assets comes in.

Now, this is pretty straightforward when we consider tangible assets like a building or gold bars, but what about intangible assets like intellectual property?

The rise of the creator economy has led to intangible assets now accounting for over 90% of all the value of companies listed on the S&P 500, and this is only set to grow. There needs to be a way to unlock more creativity to realize the potential of human capital.

Kickstarting creator financing

Finding a start financing in the creator economy is a great challenge especially for newcomers. As many entrepreneurs in this segment discover, sometimes it is much easier to give away a good idea than to make a business out of it.

Creativity, by definition, disrupts what went before; it’s about new ideas, new technologies, new products, new services, and new ways of doing things. Driven in large part by the digital revolution, many creative industries are not just creative in what they do; they are also creative in how they do it.

Read the report to learn how DeFi will finance the creator economy

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