DEIP CEO Alex Shkor at WebSummit

Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2021

“The economic model of the future will be built around a creator, not capital” — watch the video.

🔥Our CEO Alex Shkor spoke at the WebSummit, where he presented the creative economy concept and explained how Web3 would contribute to it in the future. Alex first spoke about how it works now, stressing how many middlemen there are now between creators and the value they assume.

☝️In Web2 creators create content, while the platforms where they sell it set the rules and limit creators’ earnings. Moreover, platforms may change the rules any time they want.

✌️This is not fair and Alex explained his vision of how it should work with the help of Web3, where creators not only create content but also decide on the rules themselves.

🤟Alex noted that Web3 is a tech infrastructure for the future internet where anyone can create a platform and set their rules even with their own currencies, monetize their content with NFTs (avoiding middlemen), and have complete freedom to create their own DAOs and communities.

💪Alex stressed that, in the future internet, the creator will be a center of the economic model instead of capital as in the economic model in Web2.

The transformation to Web3 is happening already now, you can open your own platform using DEIP tools.


