DEIP CEO, Alex Shkor, to speak at Web 3.0 conference

Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2022

On January 26 and 27, 2022 Alex will take part in Web 3.0 conference alongside representatives from NASA, Accenture, Microsoft, MIT, The Commons Project, and other well-known projects and organizations.

Alex will speak about

The creator economy is booming. Creativity is becoming the new output of production and the most valuable asset. However, with a major shift in the global economy, all the services in the creator economy space will be disintermediated and decentralized. There must be a framework and the infrastructure for this new economy and these new services. This infrastructure has to be open and incluse, and ensure there no central entity will take it over. The peer-to-peer, blockchain-based technology used in Web 3.0 facilitates that and implements a democratized platform. In this session Alex Shkor, DEIP Founder/CEO, will discuss his vision of how Web3.0 technology promotes innovation, creativity and ownership — the key driving factors of the creative economy.

Full access to the event costs $50 and each attendee will receive an NFT.

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