DEIP featured in Forbes

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2021

DEIP’s CEO, Alex Shkor, was featured in an article entitled “Fashion, Technology And Crypto: What To Expect In 2022”.

DEIP recently featured in an article for Forbes on luxury fashion and beauty.

Alex was quoted in Forbes:

The fashion business is evolving rapidly, here’s what DEIP CEO/Co-founder Alex Shkor had to say about their tool helping creators, “Web3 tech has come a long way over the past decade, and recent innovations like NFTs show much promise for the creator economy. “The main barrier to adoption right now is the complexity of Web3 tools. This is why DEIP is creating tools that will make interaction with Web3 second nature for creators”

Read the Forbes article in full

The article is about the future of fashion. The author, Joseph DeAcetis, American fashion designer believes that decentralized tech is a big part of fashion of the future:

Fashion is taking a hold on further Blockchain technology such as NFT. In fact, each week, I receive multiple NFT fashion pitches for inclusion in Forbes. GIBXChange, a leading and best trading platform, is committed to the further development and wider employment of NFT, leveraging it and its underlying technology Blockchain to the investment of cryptocurrency, DeFi, physical and digital assets beyond arts, attracting many investors to its trading platform in its NFT ecosystem. There are many investors doing transactions in its trading platform everyday, proving its popularity and potential.

We couldn’t agree more

Design is a creative profession and part of the creator economy and decentralized, Web 3.0 technology like DEIP’s will be a big part of this.

Learn more about the creator economy and DEIP’s use cases within it

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