DEIP Founder and CEO, Alex Shkor chats with Paralect

Alex Shkor
Published in
Oct 5, 2021

“Unlike the current economic model where it’s the capital in the center, we put the creator in the center of the model.”

Alex Shkor is interviewed about:

  • The transformation from CTO at Paralect to CEO at DEIP and Vedai
  • Updates and upcoming events of Vedai and DEIP
  • NFTs and the evolution of the blockchain space
  • Alex’s attitude to Paralect Accelerator — Web3 Academy — an educational course, launched together with Paralect.

Web3 Academy gives young developers the opportunity to quickly onboard into Web3 spaces and finds a job among Vedai partners.

“Web3 academy is a Bootcamp we are launching in Warsaw together with Paralect. Paralect is a crucial partner for Web3 Academy because of the experience with Startup Summer” — Alex.

