DEIP WAGMI Update (June 29 — July 13)

Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2022

DEIP team works vigorously to disrupt the creator economy with our tech and change the world for good.

This is our first update after a while. We are planning to release such updates on bi-weekly basis to keep you informed with our major updates.

The previous 2 weeks have been very active and really fruitful. Here’s what our departments were up to.

HR Update

During the past few weeks there has been a great progress in strengthening the team with new professionals. We’ve hired 8 new employees. As of July 13, the amount of people working for DEIP reached 44.

Key hirings:

Florian Van Goethem, Transformation Lead, who’s responsible for:

  • Defining and implementation of Organization & Operations strategy
  • Company Alignment
  • Organizational Review
  • Implementation of OKRs, processes and reporting
  • Transformation and Change management

Andrew Polyansky, Executive’s Consultant, who’s in charge of:

  • bring problems to light and speak up them to the CEO, in other words — speak truth to power
  • as well as crisis management; search for problems, bottlenecks and their analytics, expansion of flow; conflict resolution at a high level, search for common interests, unification (collaboration) and synchronization (coordination) of C-Level and deportations of the company.

Tatyana Plechishchik, Technical writer.

Tatyana will be continuously improving documentation for Casimir in collaboration with engineers, product managers, and others.

Sergei Omelianovich, Graphic designer.

Sergei is responsible for visual creation throughout the company’s needs but mainly for marketing purposes.

Edgar Chekhovich, Content manager.

  • SEO
  • Content creation

Stepan Soin — SMM/CM manager.

Stepan is the one who communicates with you on Telegram and Discord and is engaged in different community development tasks.

Product/BizDev Update

DEIP team is currently looking for custdev partners, and also does research among the NFT marketplace builders. If you know any persons that have experience building NFT marketplaces — kindly let us know! Reach out to Yulia Nekhai, if you know anyone who could provide some insights. It would really help us a lot!

Dev Update

Core development team is focused on 2 key tasks right now:

  • Mainnet update. The next DEIP Mainnet update is coming up in late July. The update will include: F-NFT, DAO Tokenization, On-chain NFT market.
  • Mainnet/Testnet wallet release.

During the past 2 weeks, the team has successfully added web3 wallet authentication feature for Casimir-based dApps. Shout out to our devs!

Also, check out our GitHub to leave your feedback on code!

Community/Marketing Update

The top news for the community was the start of the Early Investors Airdrop. Announced by Alex Shkor:

There was also an AMA session with Alex Shkor in MEXC telegram community. Here you can find a recap of it.

Thank you for the support and stay tuned for further updates! WAGMI!

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