DEIPdev #1 — the first DEIP Development Update

Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018

August 15, 2018. This is the first DEIP Development Update or DEIPdev #1 in short. It will be published biweekly by our dev team so you may expect the next update on August 29. Each DEIPdev will introduce you to the main features we developed within the DEIP blockchain protocol.

You can ask all the questions that may arise after reading the update in DEIP Telegram Chat. Your participation in the discussion is welcome!

Our team is developing a decentralized research platform DEIP that is designed for scientific workflows and is governed by the scientific community. In the core of the DEIP blockchain is our own consensus algorithm — Delegated Proof of Expertise Contribution (DPoEС). The blockchain is built on Graphene framework.

We have been working on the development of DEIP for almost a year. As this is the first update that we are releasing, allow us to break down some of the main features that have been developed since the start of the work.

Blockchain Core

  • Delegated Proof of Expertise Contribution consensus algorithm
  • Free transactions with flood-proof mechanism based on account bandwidth
  • Blockchain API to access all blockchain data
  • Flexible plugins system to easily expand functionality
  • Innovative expertise tokens system to reflect personal expertise contribution

Decentralized governance

  • Expert vote delegation mechanism
  • Research group DAO management

Decentralized assessment

  • Research evaluation through review
  • Research curation through voting

Funding mechanisms

  • Research token sale
  • Discipline supply (grants)
  • Reward distribution model
  • Discipline-specific review reward funds

Economic instruments

  • Common token vesting instant deposits and long-term withdrawals (13 weeks withdrawal schedule)
  • Account-to-account vesting contracts


  • Deployment-ready testnet node Docker image
  • Command-line wallet

Looks like a lot, doesn’t it? It’s true — we have already prepared everything for the successful launch of the public testnet. The great day is approaching soon, September 6th is the day we will officially announce the launch at the TechCrunch Disrupt event in San Francisco. The exact time will be disclosed soon, so stay on the lookout and save the date

You can already try the private blockchain test net today. We have created a manual that will walk you through on how to launch the node, run the wallet, create an account and etc. Get involved today! Share all your comments and thoughts regarding both the platform and the manual — on our DEIP telegram Chat.

Join the discussion — and stay tuned!

Alexey Kulik, Chief Blockchain Officer, DEIP



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DEIP is the first Web 3.0 protocol for tokenization and governance of high-value intangible assets