Octopus and DEIP: Alex Shkor explains

Alex Shkor
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2022

Watch this short video in which I explain why we chose to partner with Octopus Network. Read the transcription below.

Why did DEIP chose Octopus?

Okay, so the question is why did DEIP choose Octopus Network as the relay chain infrastructure? There are a number of reasons. I think the number one reason is because Octopus Network is the most cost efficient relay chain infrastructure for substrate chains. Basically, because it’s built on top of NEAR protocol, it also gives us immediate access to all the ecosystem players and all the ecosystem projects on NEAR. We can really bridge our assets to NEAR from our chain and all the apps which have been built for last year, so NEAR can benefit from these assets. This is what no other relay chain infrastructure for substrate provides. I think the last technical reason is because it’s the fastest one, because it’s built on the fastest blockchain with the best scalability on NEAR. Also, I think one additional reason is because Octopus has a really great team and we really appreciate their support. There was a lot of support from Louis and from the whole Octopus team. They were helping us all during the road to the main network launch, which is happening soon.

How can DEIP boost the Octopus ecosystem?

Okay, how can DEIP boost the Octopus ecosystem? There are a number of things which we can do together with Octopus and how we can basically spread the word about how good this ecosystem is and how good the technology is. Just by being a successful appchain, it will already attract more players to build on top of the Octopus Network. Also, just by developing a protocol for the creation of intangible assets, which is already bridged to Octopus and NEAR, and basically an appchain on Octopus, people will be able to fork us and launch their own protocols which are similar, and maybe work for slightly different industries. Also, we ourselves will be contributing to increase feature sets and develop more feature sets within Octopus. Because, for example, we need NFT asset transfers from our appchain to NEAR, and this is what we will be helping to build within the Octopus ecosystem and within Octopus technology.

How does DEIP benefit from becoming an Octopus appchain?

Okay, so how can DEIP benefit from being an Octopus appchain? There are some obvious reasons. We have shared security from Octopus. They provide us with validators, and this really increases the speed of how fast we can deliver a product to the market. We don’t need to worry about a significant part of the infrastructure because we get it from the Octopus team and Octopus technology. Another one is audit. We’ve gone through a full audit of our tech by the Octopus team. This is already a proof of validity and proof of legitimacy of our technology. Obviously, we can collaborate with Octopus to bring projects to our network and also benefit from all the materials Octopus produces in their accelerator, and we can use it in our accelerator. We can exchange these educational materials. We can also share some resources. We can share lessons within accelerators and mentors and exchanges and partners and developers. There are a lot of things we can do together with Octopus.

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