UNmetamask challenges Web3 UX/UI now: Skyward Finance

Mykola Siusko
Published in
7 min readApr 28, 2022

Do you remember the days when you were suffering from unhealthy Web3 user interfaces? And now think of someone new to crypto and how he/she/they curse using services like Metamask. We at DEIP are a big fans of no-code Web3 where even mums could use the Web3 services with ease.

Welcome, UNMETAMASK project where we will analyze popular Web3 projects and try to make them better via UX/UI research. Let’s start with the popular NEAR ecosystem launchpad Skyward Finance (yeah, we are running an IDO there — we know how it look&feels). Go-go-go!

Rule #1: every Web3 service should be inclusive to the non-Web3 audience (converting them from the Web2 to the Web3).

Main screen

On average, a person spends around 5–7 seconds on the main screen. It is important to make sure that the user stays after this time

  • What the sky should tell to the visitor?
  • Why it’s relevant for the crypto audience?
  • Why visitors should subscribe?
  • Where is the value communicated?

For a person who’s not familiar with the project, the main screen does not tell at all what this site is about.


Clear messaging about ecosystem connection and service purpose
Clear messaging and transparent call to action.

General recommendations

1. Constant communication with the user

The main purpose of the website is to always communicate with the user.
Help him answer the questions that arise:

Where am I?
A small description of the project or a slogan actualize project and it’s purpose for user. It makes easier for him to navigate the new space.

Oh, I’m interested. I want to know more.
You needbuttons “About” or Contact, leave mail to satisfy this request, — any actions that will allow your user to continue exploring website in search of a solution to their needs or just satisfy curiosity.

2. It is important to speak with the user in his language

Imagine a visitor who knows nothing about the Web3, launchpads or even crypto. But he/she/they have enough financials to participate in IDOs…

These visitors doesn’t know Web3 slang and they feel stressed communicating with tokens, IDOs, listings. All they want to have — soft onboarding where they would feel comfortable. So it’s crucial to minimize Web3 slang and make Skyward Finance more inclusive to almost anyone who wants to explore the world beyond crypto.


#Making the Main page user-friendly

Here all the main actions that connect user and the project are placed on the main screen. User can perform the following actions in one click:

  • Apply
  • Join Telegram community
  • Read news
  • Purchase

This solution allows the user to maintain inner confidence. And even if he would have troubles — help is within quick reach. This allows you to keep the user longer on the site page at the first contact with it.




User will read a little information and decide what to do next. And if he would be motivated — he will make his decision quick and stay with you for longer.

#Highlighting crucial data

It’s important to show the key figures for the project immediately.

This allows visitor to track the dynamics of growth (and the most important activity). First impression really matters (almost like in real life!):

  • See the real numbers
  • Show the general picture
  • Ensure the project is alive
  • Statistics is really believable

This approach allows answering the questions: What is my benefit? Why should I trust you?

You can also animate the numbers, so the website will create an impression of ongoing liveliness and activity hear & now.

It creates a sense of the movement of funds and is an argument for the user to stay for longer (decreese bounce rate).

Implementation example


User gets acquainted with the general figures of the project:

  • what percentage of the collection and withdrawal of funds
  • that most of the funds are sold in, let’s say, 6 months
  • what’s the total volume.

All this reinforces the user’s confidence, trust and likeability of the project.

#Highlight transaction dynamics

GameFi example

Challenge: Now the “IDO cards” are hidden deep in the website and user needs to look for them. Skyward Finance could lost user before communicating importang information.

Therefore, it is important to bring IDOs onto the main screen. This is the main motive of the user to use Skyward Finance. Real-time transactions not just grab user attention, but decrease his “time on search”.

The dynamics of transactions will allow user to see current profit/transaction rates, token behavior etc. Moreover:

  • The bidding process is open to the user
  • User can try the role of an investor in almost 1-click
  • Visible sales dynamics provides useful insights


Ongoing listings or starting soon

User has the opportunity to evaluate how many transactions have passed, and which are currently underway. You can quickly join and invest, or you can observe what’s going on with IDOs and wait for the best deal.

#Highlight a List of tokens on the platform

Coinmarketcap example


This will allow user to see a deeper picture of the current IDOs activities. For an investor, seeing the general picture of the “market” is very valuable:

  • Show on the main page a list of tokens that the site works with.
  • The prospective investor will be able to immediately assess the risks/rewards and make his decision. Take a look at the entire market and analyze it rapidly.

user gets to know the key projects at Skyward Finance and their trading volumes. The website demonstrates openness and provides an opportunity for analysis

The website already has an implemented list of tokens. It would be valuable to see more information on the card — it will add a better idea for analysis

> Improvement

User has the opportunity to see a brief information on each token/IDO and make decisions based on it. And also due to the fact that the cards are similar to investment cards, it will be easier for an inexperienced user to start using Skyward Finance with ease.

#Highlight the most popular IDOs

Display popular tokens/IDOs on the main page

It will be a valuable tool for a quick benchmarking and assesment. It’s similar to the Web3 bank account where you always see exchange rates and their dynamics.

  • User will understand benchmarks and have an internal references to compare existing with previous and successful projects (IDOs)
  • User will be better able to make better decisions and feel cared for

This will allow user to quickly get involved in the actual and the most important information and make useful actions for the Skyward Finance (deposit funds, choose the right IDO etc).


  1. The Web3 services should re-think their purpose for the Web3 audiences: become more user-friendly to non-IDO, non-crypto crowd. Which means, speaking Web2 language, providing onboarding content, decreesing additional stress (for example, with slang).
  2. It’s important to articulate what’s the purpose of the website and why it really matters, so user could understand if he/she/they match Skyward Finance profile.
  3. Launchpads could invite visitors to explore actual, popular projects immediately. So potential investors would explore the latest activities, convert into hottest deals and perform an action ASAP.

Here and now we have a unique opportunity to nurture thousands of random Web2 users and teach them why Web3 really matters and how they could benefit from becoming a part of it. It’s important to take care of their user journey as if every user matters. Making more user-friendly is a mission of the Web3 market. And we are here to make it real

