Web 3 Architecture Design Session

Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2021

On November 11, Lisbon will host the first Web 3 Architecture Design Session (W3ADS1) event dedicated to the design of next-generation web architecture.

🎯Participants will discuss Web 1.0 / Web 2.0, microservice architectures, multi-tenancy, event-centric architectures, event streaming, event sourcing, CQRS, LMAX architecture, message queues, and more.

☝️Take part to learn all about technologies which made Web 3.0 possible.

🔥Be the first to hear about the latest developments in Web 3.0 and the potential of technologies in this area.

For an interesting discussion and event as a whole, we are looking for the following categories of active participants:
✅ Progressive IT Entrepreneurs
✅ Developers
✅ IT engineers
✅ Network Architects
✅ Anyone interested in new technologies

Register to become a participant or speaker: https://w3ads1.com/

🌎 The event will be broadcast online and be available to viewers around the world for free.

🚀Meet, greet, and network!

