What if… a genius is not a good businessman?

Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2018

The financial question bothered not one researcher throughout the years. Imagine how much time they wasted on convincing rich businessmen to believe and invest in their ideas.

DEIP would have end that constant pursuit for money. Scientists of that time would have got funding due to the independent assessments and not personal sponsors’ whims.

The scientific life of Nikola Tesla is one of the most dramatic examples.

Nikola Tesla

Tesla was a great engineer indeed, but…not a very good businessman. He cared more about the impact his new invention could make and not about the amount of money it could bring. As Tesla once said: “Money does not represent such a value as men have placed upon it. All my money has been invested into experiments with which I have made new discoveries enabling mankind to have a little easier life”. [1]

In the age, where the dollar ruled everything, Tesla was always focused on his main scientific goals. Thus, untrustworthy financial partnerships didn’t contribute to his financial situation.

Let’s go back in time, when Tesla was working with Thomas Edison. [2] Once, Edison promised Tesla a $50,000 ($12 million today) bonus to design a solution to improve the direct current electrical equipment. Tesla presented 24 different types of standard machines.

“But it turned out to be a practical joke,” Tesla wrote in his biography. [3] “Tesla, you don’t understand our American humour,” was Edison’s response. [4,5]

Thomas Edison

DEIP would have never let this happen, if Tesla had put his newly created ideas on the platform. They would have been decently assessed and fully paid for.

Unfortunately, that case was not the only one in Tesla’s life.

After quitting Edison’s company, Tesla met two businessmen, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to fund the Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing Company. [6] The company made a lot of money on Tesla’s revolutionary arc lamps. Later, the investors didn’t show much interest in Tesla’s ideas about the new types of alternating current. They abandoned the company and left Tesla penniless, constrained to do physical work to survive. [7]

Caring about the future, Tesla wanted to provide free energy to the world and began the construction of a “Wardenclyffe” tower on Long Island. He got some funding from J.P. Morgan. [8] The businessman planned to get a big profit from a wireless station capable of sending wireless messages. But as soon as Morgan revealed Tesla’s real intentions, he cut off his funding. Tesla had to stop the work, sell his properties in order to pay the credits and remain poor and misunderstood. [9]

What if DEIP were there? Tesla would have definitely released one of his greatest projects. We could already have had wireless communication in early 1900s.

DEIP can’t change the past, but it surely can change the future. DEIP will help the new “Teslas” concentrate on the creation of a better future and not on finding money.

Marie Mulyarchik, Editor, DEIP

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  1. Tesla, Master of Lightning(1999) by Margaret Cheney, Robert Uth, and Jim Glenn, p. 82

2. “Edison & Tesla — The Edison Papers”. edison.rutgers.edu.

3. Nikola Tesla, My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, originally published: 1919, page 19

4. Pickover, Clifford A. (1999). Strange Brains and Genius: The Secret Lives Of Eccentric Scientists And Madmen

5. O’Neill, John J. (1944). Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla

6.Seifer, Marc J. (1998). Wizard: The Life And Times Of Nikola Tesla.

7. Carlson, W. Bernard (2013). Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age.

8. “Tesla Wardenclyffe Project Update — An Introduction to the Issues”. www.teslascience.org.

9. “ExtraOrdinary Technology — Vol 4 No 1 — Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard”. teslatech.info.



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