Studio E

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Deja vu


Now the beach is deserted
save for a key
unlocking an underwater
man cave
where mermaids sing Stevie Nicks
on the radio.

Elsewhere, a wife
flexes her muscles behind a glass door, watching a man record
an invitation to restore
what once was
and is still waiting
on the carpet of a third floor

But sad-eyed stretching is
no cure for loneliness —
not on a Pilates mat
nor inside caves of our own making.

“This one’s for you,” a guitar
said once in a dream.
“And it better last you for eternity.”

The dream nodded
and the guitar strummed.



Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Deja vu

Dreamwork practitioner, researcher, writer. Healthfully obsessed with dreams, time, & memory. To learn about one-on-one dreamwork, visit