Instagram is the new way to shop online today more than ever before!

Dejuan Eubanks
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021

When we are looking at online shopping, there is no secret that it is very popular among the average e-commerce shoppers. Whether that’s with famous retailers like Walmart, with the Walmart plus and pick up, or even with Best Buy. However, there is something that was even popular before those shopping methods became just as popular or even more today. I am talking about Instagram today and what its impact had been on online shopping today. Take a look at some data I made below between Instagram and online shopping with the line graph showing how much it dominates time:

Instagram has been convenient for shoppers because the transactions are less time-consuming than the years past. People can shop with the icon on other’s posts with the item they are looking to shop for when desired. It has been like this for many years dating back to 2017 when the shopping on the app took place.

Another reason for the surge of shoppers on Instagram from standard shopping the reason that many people are more likely to watch a video first than to go to a common online store. This is because many people in their time would rather go on the app and consume content in their downtime.

In many Instagram stories, the tags have taken over where people can click on the apps and get onto the clothing lines. This is either with the right content creators that are on the stories to purchase the products or the right kind of shoppers to even get the products bought. Say there is an online sweater, and you can still buy it online. Well, now that sweater looks even cooler with the promotion you see on Instagram because you can shop on the post with the icon. That is why online shopping is decline just with those kinds of problems that are with the lack of simple time that is spent more to shop on the app.

It’s not the problem that online shoppers will not continue to shop anytime soon, it’s how much can they be attractive. That means how many sales can be promoted and increased through the sites. Or, even if the sellers will start promoting on Instagram and just join the crowd that can increase site exposure for more buyers which is the goal. Doing soon will create the best promotion

Take a look below at my second graph to further understand my point why Instagram is taking over shopping:

So, it’s not the fact that online shopping is taking over the way society and others like to shop online and buy things directly from media apps. Social media has taken over in more ways than the world has imagined so this is no secret. This is something that will continue and will not stop in the future. Instagram is one of the most popular of them all and the strategy will continue because of the simple techniques used.

