Learning Day 47: Computer vision before deep learning 1 — Image segmentation

De Jun Huang
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2021

Image segmentation without DL

  • Based on image’s grayscale, colour, texture and shape
  • As compared to DL which depends on semantics (meanings of different areas of an image like background and objects)

1. Sectioning based on threshold

  • Choose a valley of the image histogram and cut into half
Red line is the threshold, before which is black and after which is white (or reverse)

2. Sectioning based on edge

  • Find edges and try to connect the edge together

3. Sectioning based on regions

Region growing

  • Starting from 1 point as a group, compare its grayscale value (or average value if there are multiple points in the group) with the surrounding.
  • If the difference is smaller than a threshold, include the new point in the group.

Watershed Algorithm

  • Convert image to grayscale and find gradients
  • Convert edges to peaks and others to valleys
  • Consider the similarity of the neighbouring pixels and slowly merge the valleys together
  • It is like pouring water to the peaks and valleys and water level slowly raise to cover the valleys and only leave the peaks exposed

4. Sectioning based on graph theory

  • Connect pixels in various ways and each connection, the edge, has a weight
  • Find the optimal solution of a collection of points where the total weight is minimal

Graph Cuts

  • 3 types of connections, all have weights:
  1. connection between pixels.
  2. connection of all pixels to a source node, S (foreground).
  3. connection of all pixels to a sink node, T (background).
  • Minimise the energy E(A). The objective is to find the minimal E(A) where it contains a collections of points to make the cut
λ is to control the weightage betwen R(A) and B(A)
  • R(A) is the penalty on labelling. If a pixel is more likely belonging to foreground (1) than background (0), R(1)<R(0)
  • B(A) is the penalty on dissimilarity of two pixels. Since we want to make a cut between dissimilar pixels: If two pixels are similar (eg. in terms of grayscale values), B(A) is big. Otherwise B(A) is small.


  • Based on Graph Cuts.
  • Combining GMM (Gaussian mixture models) and K-means
  • GMM: assumes that the pixel distribution is a combination of more-than-1 gaussian models
  • K-means for grouping/clustering
  • Steps:
  1. draw a bounding box to highlight the foreground roughly.
  • From this step, it gets the pixel profiles for both foreground and background

2. Use k-means (eg. k=5) to cluster pixels to foreground and background and use Graph Cuts for cutting. This process is done iteratively.






Published in dejunhuang

For the purpose of systematic learning, I will write down my daily learning notes on data science and machine learning

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