Learning Day 70: 3D U-Net with 3D convolution layers, V-Net, DenseNet, FC-DenseNet

De Jun Huang
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2021


  • Continue from Day 69 regarding U-Net, one problem with biomedical imaging is that different slices at different locations would appear very differently, thus U-Net is not able to identify the target region
  • What if we directly feed the 3D data into a U-Net?

3D U-Net

  • It employs 3D convolution layers to take in 3-dimension imaging data
  • Besides 3D conv layers, the principle of 3D U-Net is very similar to U-Net
3D U-Net architecture (ref)

3D convolution

  • It is very similar to 2D convolution, just that we need to imagine 1 more dimension
  • A 2D convolution operation
An illustration of a 2D convolution operation
  • A 3D convolution operation with a 3D input of 1 input channel
Single-channel 3D input with a 3D filter
  • A 3D convolution operation with 3D input of input channel, c = 3. In this case, the input is actually 4-dimension. The filter is 5-dimension.
3-channel 3D input (4-dimension) with 3 x 3-channel 3D filter (5-dimension)


  • Added ResNet-like shortcut
  • Same loss function (DICE coefficient)
  • Include “down” conv layer (conv with stride=2)
  • Make use of 1x1x1 conv layer prior to softmax for classification between background and foreground
  • PReLU activation where the gradient at y<0, a, is learnable
ReLU (left), Leaky ReLU (middle) and PReLU (right) (ref)
V-Net architecture (ref)


  • Focus on fully utilising the feature maps
  • Reduce the no. of parameters
  • Not prone to overfitting even for small dataset
  • There are extra connections between all layers. I.e. Current layer’s input includes outputs from all previous layer
  • Eg. Input X0 →Output H1, Input X0 &X1 →Output H2
An illustration of a dense block (ref)


  • The architecture is still similar to U-Net
  • Just replace the original conv blocks withe dense block
  • Skip connections exist only at the scaling down side (left), not at the scaling up side (right) of the network
  • Skip connections are to avoid feature loss
An illustration of FC-DenseNet architecture (ref)


Unless otherwise stated, all presented contents are summarised from this course for personal learning purposes

