Conversations with Vinnie

Pierce Delahunt
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2016

My grandfather’s name is Vincent. He is a retired Sicilian-Catholic civil engineer born to Sicilian immigrants, has watched Fox News all day every day for at least two decades, and believes that Sicilians and Catholics are the two most oppressed social groups today. He likes Marco Rubio & and may be in love with Carly Fiorina. I am an Italian/Irish coddled hippy, vegan liberal, on-line grad student, who struggles to put windshield wiper fluid into the truck he owns and sleeps in. I am a big fan of Bernie, and a Green Party member. Enjoy…

On Obama:

*Carter did a lot during his presidency — and more since!

On Clinton:

On the Internet:

On Organic:

On Veganism:



Pierce Delahunt

Social Emotional Leftist: If our Love & Light movements do not address systemic injustice, they are neither of those things