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Submission Guidelines (Updated 4/5/22)

Delicate Emissions
Delicate Emissions Poetry Zine
2 min readNov 11, 2021



Delicate Emissions is a tri-fold brochure (8 1/2 x 11 paper). Poems must be 15 lines or fewer, with preference given to shorter pieces. If your poem has long lines or is more visual in nature, it probably isn’t for us. Submit up to three at a time.

We are an queer-run, anti-racist, pro-trans, pro-queer publication. Your poems don’t have to be on these subjects — the world is vast — but if they are obviously against those values, you can expect us to decline.


We opted to discontinue the Google form. It just wasn’t working.

Submit your poems to us via email at

Include up to three poems, with 15 lines or fewer each, in the body of the email. Do not include attachments. Use whatever font and size is easiest for you. Include a short (15 words or fewer, not including your name and pronouns) third-person bio. If you feel safe doing so, provide your pronouns.

Only submit previously unpublished work. If a piece we publish is re-published later, please note that it was first published in Delicate Emissions.

Response Time

Our editor is a poet themself, and knows that it sucks to wait. Right now, there is a lot of general upheaval in the editor’s life as they are relocating — but they’re still committed to the publication schedule! Submitters should be notified about poems for the June issue by June 1.



Delicate Emissions
Delicate Emissions Poetry Zine

home of poetry/essays/fiction by dusti rwf & dafna hagans-slezak; Disability in the Margins; & delicate emissions, quarterly diy poetry zine ed. by dusti rwf.