Concept: My history with food

Food for thought
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2017
A cracked cheesecake — Something which any chef would be ashamed of — but it’s okay. It tasted so good. Source:

I was raised in a family where both parents cooked. Along these lines, Sundays at home consisted on grocery shopping and cooking something special for lunch. This went on until I graduated from high school and I had to move so I could continue the university. While I was always helping out in the kitchen, never I had the chance to actually properly cook for myself other than the special type of meals. I am pretty sure that you can see where this is going, being the average Joe’s story that goes to college and eats conserved tuna with $1 noodles from the supermarket.

Well yes, that happened.

After I graduated and started working, I kept the same lifestyle. Long hours strapped in front of the computer together with the average commute, late night dinners full of carbs and the realization that I am not a student anymore made me start thinking about ways to re-engineer my eating habits.

At today’s age, we are bombarded with information, made to sell and look good — simple 15 second cooking videos that look so tremendously easy and advertising retargeting which impact the way you think of life in general [food in our specific niche]. While I was researching, my facebook, Instagram together with all the ads on the world was overwhelmed with food related issues which led me to start with some of those recipes. Some of them were actually really good and some others looked good but they were just no.

I went on with watching Gordon Ramsay and his cooking show. His tips and tricks were tremendous, outstanding and actually made me take notes.

It all started from there — I started a food blog(check the bottom for the link), which turned into a proper website with one simple concept in mind — Educating those who think that cannot cook, not with recipes and guidance, but tricks and techniques to actually live a healthier live. My take is that you do not need to be a great cook, you just need to be able to know some basic techniques and minimize take out. Additionally, once in a while, impress someone with your cooking.

My posting capabilities are hindered by working in a big4, so bear with me :)



tl;dr; This publication is about simplifying cooking for the noobs coming from a complete noob who is learning along the way with you.

The food blog[in albanian]:

The english version:



Food for thought

I do stuff, especially digital stuff. Currently leading a great team and doing smart city stuff.. Do you need more? Go to