Submission Guidelines

Dandelion Greens

Easy Recipe

Joanne Olivieri
Delicious Delights


Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

Submission Guidelines:

We strive to make our submission guidelines as simple as posssible. So without further adieu:

Make sure to abide by the Medium rules and regulations.

Send your work in draft form with a title, subtitle, photo cited accordingly and five tags. Make sure your tags correspond with your post. The first tag should be recipe. Editors reserve the right to change tags.

  • If you would like to contribute to Delicious Delights please let me know in the comments and I will add you ASAP!

Recipe for Dandelion Greens.

Buy some dandelion greens at your local produce shop. Either steam or boil them and top them with a little oil, lemon juice and chopped onions for a very healthy lunch or side dish. The health benefits of dandelion greens are immeasurable and help in controlling everything from dia betes, to high blood pressure, to cancer and more. This was one of Mom's favorite dishes along with a slice of French bread.

Share your art and photography with us and the inspiration behind your creations.

Thank you for reading.



Joanne Olivieri
Delicious Delights

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -