I am a Lion!

Delight Stories
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2018
“I think, therefore I am!” René Descartes

Tranquilized by NyQuil
My anger and I wrestled till
We are both intertwined still
Into a deep dreamy hill

I opened my big brown eyes
And I see the crystal blue skies
And smell the wind’s smoking pines
So I puff out my chest and tries
To ROAR my most ferocious cries
“Pfft” lies muffled lies!

I stomped my feet and pranced mighty high
And saw the jungle that’s clearly mine
ROARRrrrrr I tried to scream my line
But “Pfft” came out a tiny swine
What in the name of the great divine?!

Thump Thump Thump, I hear the heard’s up front
And I’m hungry and am ready to hunt
A steak or elk tartar to be blunt
I wondered which is the unlucky runt…

As I got ready to pounce
I felt a very light bounce
As if I‘m only a few tiny ounce
Wait… ROArrr — — “pfft” is deeply mispronounce

Flop! I feel into the grass
And started chewing up its mass
And it tasted like fine sea bass
Splash, I finally caught a glimpse of the looking glass
And realized I’m being made an ass...

For I’m a Lion
Trapped inside the body
Of a rabbit!
Pffft…. Pfftt…. Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

