Sinner meets a saint

Why do you utter all those words
that you don’t mean?
There’s no book for teaching this one,
just what you glean.

Have you ever exchanged glances
with a humble essence
That reminds you “you are worthy”
with its mere presence.

“How could I even look at him?”
I sat in shame
He lifted up my face to his
Releasing blame

What textbook could I look through for
this profound message?
These platitudes and worn out tales:
only a vestige.

“Where did all of these tears come from?”
I dried my eyes
The lesson that I needed was
a pure surprise.

Who are you to tell them whether they
can go to heaven?
Religion only serves the world
an evil leaven.

When did I realize that God was
the devil, as well?
The path to heaven starts by moving
deeper into hell.

