Onfleet’s 2019 Year in Review

Joe Kennedy
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2020

What a year 2019 was! During this last trip around the Sun, Onfleet powered over 20 million deliveries in 90 countries (welcome to Chile, Armenia, and Georgia — our newest countries!), sent 30 million SMS messages, and saw one million driver logins. And the trend towards fast, efficient delivery shows no signs of slowing down.

We’re excited for what’s in store during 2020, a year that will surely see lots of change and innovation in the last-mile arena, and we can’t wait to release some amazing updates to the Onfleet platform (more on that below)!

As we kick off a new year, here is a quick look at the past year here at Onfleet…

We released the all new Table View

In 2019 we unveiled an entirely new way to view Onfleet tasks at a glance. With Table View you can see more details about more tasks, with the added bonus of filtering and sorting like you would a spreadsheet.

Haven’t tried it yet? Click here to see your tasks in Table View and then take our three-question survey to let us know what you think.

We created powerful API Wrappers

It is now easier than ever to leverage the Onfleet API in your own applications and integrations. We work with APIs all day, every day so we know that they can be cumbersome. That’s why we unveiled a suite of wrappers to make it as easy as possible to incorporate Onfleet into your code base, no matter what programming language you use. Whether you’re just getting started with Onfleet or improving an existing integration, wrappers make your developers’ lives easier.

Check out the details here and let us know what you think on GitHub.

We improved our route optimization engine

Route Optimization has been one of our most popular features since we launched it back in 2016. This year we decided to double down on optimization with a whole new feature for customers with defined delivery zones.

With Optimization Service Areas (currently in private beta) you can create a zone, assign a driver and then optimize multiple zones in one fell swoop. This not only improves on the existing optimization experience (smaller areas are optimized faster and produce better routes) but it also allows you to send your delivery drivers to the areas they know best.

Interested in taking your routes to the next level? Contact our support team to request a beta invite.

We forged incredible new partnerships

Partnerships have been a key element of our business from the very beginning and 2019 was no different. This year we formalized our partnership with Delivery Solutions to make it even easier for retailers to extend their reach by outsourcing deliveries to third-parties. We partnered with Mi9 to provide grocers with a seamless end to end e-commerce offering. We partnered with Olo to help restaurants do their own deliveries.

We also launched our Partners page to highlight all of our amazing partners and integrations.

We published some great content

We published two industry white papers this year on grocery and cannabis — two key local delivery sectors that we believe will grow considerably in the years to come. We surveyed 1,000 US adults to glean insights on what consumers expect from delivery businesses and retailers at large in the age of Amazon. We were also published in Retail TouchPoints, Street Fight, and Progressive Grocer. Look out for a lot more quality content from us in the new year!

We won some awards

In 2019 we made the Inc. 5000 at #124, ranked 13th on the SF Business Times Fast 100 list of San Francisco’s 100 fastest growing companies, ranked #45 out of 3,500 Fastest Growing SaaS companies analyzed by the Latka SaaS Database, and we took home the top prize at the RILA Supply Chain Innovation Awards!

Happy customers are enough for us, but it’s always nice to be recognized for our achievements and for building a category leading product.

Stay Tuned…

We hope you are looking forward to 2020 as much as we are — we have a ton of great product improvements and new features in the pipeline. From new dispatching modes and mobile apps to a rules engine for automation, infrastructure enhancements and more, we are as focused as ever on helping you achieve last-mile excellence.

On behalf of the Onfleet team, we wish you an incredibly successful 2020!

